August 12, 2014 |
As students of the dharma (whatever your dharma may be) we know the sheer delight of learning. We are fortunate to gather new insights, make connections, and feel privy to a new way of looking at the world. It is so exciting. We hear things that actually make sense—or that don’t, but in some equally intriguing way. I can’t tell... READ MORE
August 11, 2014 |
In this podcast, drawn from a talk in the Spring of 2014 at the New York Shambhala Center, Susan discusses the intelligence of depression, how to differentiate depression from sadness, and how depression can become a part of your spiritual path.
July 31, 2014 |
When approaching a sacred Buddhist site, it is customary to circumambulate three times before entering. You simply walk around the building, circling clockwise. Upon completion of the third loop, you enter. The first time I did this, I thought, why can’t I just walk in? But as I... READ MORE
July 30, 2014 |
July 30, 2014 Photos were taken of meditation students before and after a month-long meditation retreat. What do you see in their faces? How is it that meditation does this?! For more such photos, click Enjoy! Love, Susan
July 24, 2014 |
This morning I’ve been emailing with some people who run an outfit called Earth Strength. Without even knowing what it is, doesn’t that sound great? They are based in Tarifa, Spain and offer courses on, well, being outside, actually. You run, jump, swim, climb—not in a gym and not with special equipment and not to lose weight or anything like... READ MORE
June 18, 2014 |
There is such a thing as goodness. It is alive. It is intact. Nothing we do can destroy it. By goodness, I don’t mean the opposite of badness, exactly. I certainly don’t mean anything sentimental, saccharine…soulless. Ew. Goodness is not goody-goody or cute. The earth is good.... READ MORE
June 13, 2014 |
I really enjoyed giving this talk to the creative community here in Boston. I talked about how changes in the way we do business bode well for other changes we’d all like to see in the world…
May 5, 2014 |
Nothing feels worse than a broken heart, the kind you get when someone you love ends the relationship. Feelings of shame, remorse, grief, rage, and terror can overwhelm even the most stable human being. Heartbreak has the power to reframe a workable life as a disaster. Perhaps surprisingly, Buddhism has a tremendous amount of helpful advice for working with these... READ MORE
February 17, 2014 |
This past Valentine’s Day, I launched a program called the “21-Day Open Heart Immersion: Live in Love.” I received this message (from a stranger) via email: With all due respect, I think that the global consciousness is in a state of a major shift and it has a lot to do with people like you helping to spread the world... READ MORE
February 4, 2014 |
A new podcast!
January 22, 2014 |
This appeared in today’s Huffington Post… I’m a meditation teacher who speaks about mindfulness and teaches workshops around the world. I’m also founder of the Open Heart Project, an online meditation community with close to 12,000 members. And what a great time it is to be a meditation teacher! Mindfulness is becoming a movement and although I’m not always sure... READ MORE
January 15, 2014 |
For some reason, I’ve taken it upon myself to declare new holidays. The last one was “International I Don’t Feel Bad About Anything Day” which was celebrated by not feeling guilty or judgmental about anything for one whole day. The new holiday is called “What About You? Day.” We celebrate by replacing the thought, “What About Me?” with “What About... READ MORE