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If your meditation is not making you more peaceful…

May 6, 2024   |   24 Comments

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Meditation begins at 14:23

Hello you wonderful human. How do I know you’re wonderful? Because you are interested in meditation and your spiritual journey. Case closed. Many of us wonder how we can achieve the inner peace and tranquility of the great teachers we love. This is an excellent quest. However, most of these great teachers (you may notice) are wearing robes. Why? Because... READ MORE

Buddhism is called the Middle Way. What is it in the middle of?

April 29, 2024   |   4 Comments

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Meditation begins at 12:16

Hello, I hope you and yours are well. Before today’s meditation, I offer a few thoughts on the Middle Way, as Buddhism is sometimes referred to. No one has to be a Buddhist to benefit from contemplating this middle way. What is it in the middle of? What does it mean to me and my practice? Have a listen and... READ MORE

How can I find a (trustworthy) teacher?

April 22, 2024   |   8 Comments

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Meditation begins at 10:03

Hello, wonderful person, Before today’s practice, I share a few thoughts in response to a question I hear from you somewhat regularly: how to find a teacher? How do I know who and what to trust? Before today’s sit, I offer a few thoughts. Spoiler: there are no easy answers. With love,  Susan

Are we practicing mindfulness? Yes. And no.

April 15, 2024   |   17 Comments

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Meditation begins at 8:46

Hello, wonderful person. Before today’s practice, I share a few thoughts about mindfulness meditation. Is that what we are doing when we sit together? Yes, that is accurate. But it is only 50% accurate. There is another aspect that is equally important. Please have a listen to this short talk to learn more. And let me know what you think... READ MORE

Magic is real. Here’s how I know: Part 3

April 8, 2024   |   10 Comments

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Meditation begins at 12:30

Hello Open Heart Project, I recently read an article about a new meditation app that purports to offer meditation instruction via AI generated content meant to teach Dzogchen and Mahamudra. My friends, I literally could not sleep that night. I was so upset. Dzogchen and Mahamudra are among the highest teachings in all of Buddhism. They are never taught without... READ MORE

Magic is real. Here’s how I know: Part 2

March 31, 2024   |   6 Comments

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Meditation begins at 21:16

Hello, I hope you are well! Last week, I mentioned that there were three steps we could take to keep our practice firmly rooted in the realm of the spiritual–the mysterious, the sacred, the deeply personal–rather than the realm of self-help which can turn quite aggressive. Our practice is so powerful, but the real scope is glimpsed only when we... READ MORE

The connection between meditation and creativity

March 18, 2024   |   1 Comment

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Meditation begins at 9:53

Dear, wonderful Open Heart Project, Before today’s meditation, I offer a few thoughts about the connection between creativity and meditation. I find that one is very difficult without the other! If you want to explore this topic further, please think about joining me in Austin, TX May 22-26 for a meditation and writing retreat. We’ll spend 4 full days practicing... READ MORE

Love After Heartbreak

March 4, 2024   |   Leave a reply

Hello Open Heart Project, Since The Wisdom of a Broken Heart came out, I’ve had the honor of speaking with many people who are meeting this incredibly difficult life passage with courage and tenderness. We talk about the endless waves of grief, fear, and rage and how one could possibly weather them. We talk about the valuable, hard-won heart opening that can... READ MORE

How our practice can help with a broken heart (Part 3)

February 26, 2024   |   5 Comments

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Meditation begins at 12:47

Dear, wonderful Open Heart Project, I have three basic suggestions for how Buddhist wisdom can help with heartbreak. Two weeks ago, we talked about the first step which involves figuring out how to work with your racing or clouded mind. Last week, I made suggestions for working with the overwhelming energy of the heart. This week, I share some thoughts... READ MORE

How our practice can help with a broken heart (Part 2)

February 19, 2024   |   5 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 16:10

Dear, wonderful Open Heart Project, I have three basic suggestions for how Buddhist wisdom can help with heartbreak. Last week we talked about the first step which involves figuring out how to work with your racing or clouded mind. This week, I make suggestions for working with the overwhelming energy of the heart which, when shattered or upset, overflows with... READ MORE

How our practice can help with a broken heart (Part 1)

February 12, 2024   |   6 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 14:36

Dear, wonderful Open Heart Project, Many years ago, I wrote a book called The Wisdom of a Broken Heart about how Buddhist wisdom helped me with my own broken heart. I get emails and messages about the impact of this book more than anything I have ever written. I am gratified to know it is useful. (Last year, I updated... READ MORE

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