
The magic of a morning routine

September 9, 2015   |   4 Comments

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I felt productive, connected, and easeful. I accomplished work I was proud of. I liked myself. I focused on what mattered to me and honored my energy ebbs and flows. When I went to bed, I felt good-tired. The day before yesterday sucked. I wandered around in a fog. I watched a lot of television.... READ MORE

The one where I asked the Dalai Lama a question

September 8, 2015   |   9 Comments

Some years ago, my friend Josh was organizing a press conference at MIT for the Dalai Lama and the prominent neuroscientist Richard Davidson. They were there to answer questions about the Dalai Lama’s decades-long dialogue with scientists exploring the relationship of science and Eastern thought. Josh asked me if I wanted to go and of course I did. There were... READ MORE

How I feel about JetBlue (and a bunch of other stuff)

August 17, 2015   |   14 Comments

Is it totally silly to have feelings about an airline? It may be. However, when you are a nervous flier (as I am), it matters. “Nervous flier” is the term used by airport and airline professionals to designate anyone who may freak out while in the process of checking in, boarding, flying, and/or deplaning. If you use this term while... READ MORE


July 16, 2015   |   Leave a reply

Tal vez has visto en las noticias hoy que hombres armados abrieron fuego en las oficinas de la “revista satírica” Charlie Hebdo, una publicación en París, Francia, que en el pasado ha encolerizado a los extremistas Islámicos. Unas 12 personas, incluyendo famosos caricaturistas franceses, fueron asesinadas. Pensé que era una broma. No lo es. Nada puede hacer que esto esté bien.... READ MORE


July 9, 2015   |   15 Comments

(útil para trabajar con emociones fuertes en general) Nada se siente peor que un corazón roto, del tipo que tienes cuando alguien a quien amas termina la relación. Sentimientos de vergüenza, remordimiento, dolor, rabia y terror pueden abrumar incluso al ser humano más estable. El sufrimiento tiene el poder de hacer ver una vida factible como un desastre. Sorprendentemente, el... READ MORE


July 8, 2015   |   2 Comments

No sé si han notado esto acerca de su práctica de meditación, pero algo que mucha gente advierte es una especie de delicadeza-a su propia experiencia, tal vez, pero también al mundo que te rodea. Hay un sentido de permeabilidad, de caminar por la calle y recibir información de una manera más directa que antes. Cuando ves un narciso amarillo... READ MORE

Is writing an egotistical act?

July 8, 2015   |   2 Comments

I recently saw this question: Does anyone of you write morning pages? With Sokuzan Brown‘s talk today (in the Daily Dharma Gathering) I thought about the observing of the I and I was wondering if it is an act of holding on to the ego to constantly make I-statements in the free-writing. Generally, I would be interested what others think of journaling in connection to meditation.... READ MORE


June 19, 2015   |   Leave a reply

Acabo de terminar de enseñar en dos retiros en el Centro de Retiros Dechen Choling en Francia, El “Retiro Corazón Abierto” seguido por “Creatividad sin miedo: Un Retiro de Meditación y Escritura”. En el último día del último programa, un estudiante amablemente preguntó qué sentía yo cuando terminaba un retiro. Nuestro grupo estaba sentado a la mesa del desayuno en... READ MORE

How was it for you? Reporting on the experience of being a teacher.

June 19, 2015   |   31 Comments

I just finished teaching two retreats at Dechen Choling Retreat Center in France, “The Open Heart Retreat” followed by “Fearless Creativity: A Meditation and Writing Retreat.” On the last day of the last program, a student kindly asked what it felt like for me when a retreat was over. Our group was sitting at the breakfast table in the main... READ MORE

Rediscovering basic goodness

June 10, 2015   |   2 Comments

I just finished teaching an Open Heart retreat in beautiful Dechen Choling which is situated in rural south-central France, near Limoges. The beauty here reminds me of what the world felt like when I was a kid in summertime:  Verdant, lush, quiet, warm…all you want to do is be outside. These words are misleadingly prosaic… But when you arrive here... READ MORE

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