March 13, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 13:36. Dear Open Heart Project, Today we wrap up this video series: The Seven Qualities of the Dharmic Person. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. The second, contentment, can be found here. The third, fewer activities, is here, the fourth, good conduct, is here, and the fifth, awareness of the teacher... READ MORE
March 6, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 13:15. Dear Open Heart Project, I’m so glad you are signed up for this video series: The Seven Qualities of the Dharmic Person. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. The second, contentment, can be found here. The third, fewer activities, is here, the fourth, good conduct, is here, and the fifth,... READ MORE
February 27, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 13:06. Dear Open Heart Project, I’m so glad to continue sharing with you this series on the 7 Qualities of the Dharmic Person, or Meditator. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. The second, contentment, can be found here. The third, fewer activities, is here and the fourth, good conduct, is here.... READ MORE
February 20, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 10:28. Dear Open Heart Project, I’m so glad you are signed up for this video series: The Seven Qualities of the Meditator, aka, Dharmic Person. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. The second, contentment, can be found here. The third, fewer activities, is here. This week, we come to the fourth... READ MORE
February 18, 2023 |
Audio only here. Thanks so much for joining me to talk about the Open Heart Project’s Buddhist Immersion & Meditation Teacher Training. In this info session, I shared the inspiration behind this program, what you will gain from it, and an overview of the curriculum, class-by-class. All the program details are here, including how to apply. If you’d like to... READ MORE
February 13, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 16:14. Dear Open Heart Project, I’m so glad you are signed up for this video series: The Seven Qualities of the Dharmic Person. Today we discuss the third quality. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. The second, contentment, can be found here. This third quality is called fewer activities. It seems that... READ MORE
February 6, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 12:11. Dear Open Heart Project, Hello! I hope you are well. This video is the second in this series, “The Seven Qualities of the Dharmic Person” (aka you). These qualities arise organically from our meditation practice. The first quality, passionlessness, was discussed here. I include the link in case you missed it/are... READ MORE
February 1, 2023 |
Audio only here. Thanks so much for joining me to talk about the Open Heart Project’s Buddhist Immersion & Meditation Teacher Training. In this info session, I shared the inspiration behind this program, what you will gain from it, and an overview of the curriculum, class-by-class. All the program details are here, including how to apply. After the session was... READ MORE
January 30, 2023 |
Audio-only version of talk is here and audio-only version of meditation is here. Dear Open Heart Project, I hope you are well! I’m so delighted to offer you the first video in a series called: Seven Qualities of a Meditator. As you may know (or will discover if you are new to meditation), a consistent practice not only helps manage... READ MORE
January 23, 2023 |
Dear Open Heart Project, Hello! I hope your week is off to a good start (or end, depending on when you see this). This week, instead of a video, I thought I’d share some thoughts on what can help keep our practice in the realm of sacred. This does not mean holy or precious. It means transformational. In my training,... READ MORE
January 15, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 7:46. Dear Open Heart Project, I try to meditate every day. But because I am a human being, it does not always work out. When I am unable (or unwilling! human being!) to practice, I notice a distinct difference in the way my day rolls out. It feels bumpier, less integrated, heavier.... READ MORE
January 9, 2023 |
Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 11:00. Dear Open Heart Project, Hello and welcome to a new year. It is a delight to practice meditation with you. Before today’s 10-minute sit, I share some thoughts about what we are really doing when we practice meditation. Spoiler alert: It’s not about self-improvement! Or fixing anything! It’s way better than... READ MORE