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November 1, 2022   |   Enter your password to view comments.

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How does it feel when your book is published?

September 11, 2022   |   1 Comment The Buddhist Enneagram Book Cover

My new book, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship will be out in a few days. It’s been in the works for three years. I hope everyone will read it. I hope no one will. Trying to separate the one who created it from the one who now speaks to you about it…reminding myself over and over: no matter... READ MORE

Répondre à a violence et à la colère (une perspective bouddhiste)

January 11, 2015   |   1 Comment

(traduction française de Elise Maes Le Goff) Texte original Aujourd’hui des hommes armés ont ouvert le feu dans les bureaux du magazine satirique Charlie Hebdo qui avait soulevé par le passé la colère d’islamistes extrémistes. Douze personnes, dont des dessinateurs célèbres en France, ont été tués. J’ai cru que c’était une blague. Mais non. Rien ne peut rendre cela acceptable.... READ MORE

On owning your true authority

August 28, 2014   |   3 Comments

I’ve written 5 books and edited 3, given countless public talks, and taught many workshops. I still struggle with self-confidence and like many who do, choose one of the two main coping mechanisms: downplaying myself and what I know and situating myself as one of many voices on the topic. (The other is overplaying and claiming complete authority while attempting... READ MORE

Rest in the meaning

August 12, 2014   |   2 Comments

As students of the dharma (whatever your dharma may be) we know the sheer delight of learning. We are fortunate to gather new insights, make connections, and feel privy to a new way of looking at the world. It is so exciting. We hear things that actually make sense—or that don’t, but in some equally intriguing way. I can’t tell... READ MORE

How to Enter (a building, a conversation, your life)

July 31, 2014   |   3 Comments

                        When approaching a sacred Buddhist site, it is customary to circumambulate three times before entering. You simply walk around the building, circling clockwise. Upon completion of the third loop, you enter. The first time I did this, I thought, why can’t I just walk in? But as I... READ MORE

This is your face on meditation

July 30, 2014   |   1 Comment

July 30, 2014 Photos were taken of meditation students before and after a month-long meditation retreat. What do you see in their faces? How is it that meditation does this?! For more such photos, click Enjoy! Love, Susan

Let’s talk about our bodies, shall we?

July 24, 2014   |   13 Comments

This morning I’ve been emailing with some people who run an outfit called Earth Strength. Without even knowing what it is, doesn’t that sound great? They are based in Tarifa, Spain and offer courses on, well, being outside, actually. You run, jump, swim, climb—not in a gym and not with special equipment and not to lose weight or anything like... READ MORE

Should spiritual teachers be paid?

February 17, 2014   |   93 Comments

This past Valentine’s Day, I launched a program called the “21-Day Open Heart Immersion: Live in Love.” I received this message (from a stranger) via email: With all due respect, I think that the global consciousness is in a state of a major shift and it has a lot to do with people like you helping to spread the world... READ MORE

On determining your worth

November 18, 2013   |   31 Comments

If you’ve ever wanted to get to the bottom of your deepest childhood wounds, stare unblinkingly at your creative terrors, or shine klieg lights on the dankest areas of your personal blind spot, I have a suggestion for you. Start your own business, preferably as a solopreneur. (Well, you could also write a book.) When you work alone to launch... READ MORE

The pain of pricing.

November 7, 2013   |   25 Comments

The other day I wrote a blog post called Self-Employed: Three Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me. The response told me that the growing solopreneur subclass shares many concerns and issues. For example, when we look at each other, it seems that everyone else has got it together while we do not. This is often untrue. (But not always.)... READ MORE

Self-Employment: Three Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me

November 4, 2013   |   62 Comments

                    The other day I received this text from a dear friend who had recently started her own business: “When you started your own thing, did you spend any time hiding under the covers?” Only the first three years, I replied. There are particular inner difficulties in working for yourself. No... READ MORE

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