
Buddhism & Heartbreak 2: For Celia and Rich

April 11, 2008   |   3 Comments

Dear Celia and Rich, Thank you so much for your comments to my blog post, Buddhism & Relationships. The issues you both point out are so monumental and confusing. It sounds to me like the questions you’re posing are along these lines: Which kind of love is the kind I should seek? Where does my heart belong? How far should... READ MORE

Real Heroes vs Imaginary Ones

April 6, 2008   |   5 Comments

I was at the gym this morning, on the treadmill. I was listening to my iPod and not the television in front of me, but every once in awhile I glanced up at it. I saw several images of Martin Luther King, commemorating, I imagine, the 40th anniversary of his death. There were shots of him orating. Walking with Coretta.... READ MORE

Motivate Me Monday

March 24, 2008   |   Leave a reply

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Basically, the practice of sitting meditation doesn’t really help a great deal, yet it stirs up a lot of things. A lot of chaos, problems, and confusion begin to come up–as well as some kind of gentleness and understanding. So it seems to be okay, as long as you are not in a hurry. If you are... READ MORE

Listen Abushri!

March 22, 2008   |   1 Comment

LISTEN, ABUSHRI” by Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887) Translated by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche You who enjoy the union of bliss and emptiness Seated motionless on the lunar disc Above a beautiful hundred petalled flower Radiant with white light, I pay homage to you the Divine Guru, Vajrasattva. Listen, Abushri You miserable, daydreaming fool, You remember how delusions Confused you in the... READ MORE

Hep C Treatment

March 19, 2008   |   19 Comments

Did I ever mention that I’ve basically been kind of sick for the last two years? Not like sick in the head, but regular sick, sick-sick. I never really blogged about it because for whatever reason I thought it would be embarrassing or make me feel worse. Plus I wanted to be all super-woman and what have you. Or at... READ MORE

Award! "How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life," best spirituality book of 2007!!

February 27, 2008   |   10 Comments

Books for a Better Life Awards “The Awards recognize excellence in self-help, motivational, and self-improvement books in nine categories.” Unbelievably, “How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life” has won best spirituality book of 2007 from Books for a Better Life. It is an annual event sponsored by the National MS Society. This year’s event was hosted by TODAY... READ MORE

Ask The Hard Questions before marriage!

February 14, 2008   |   4 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Today is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year and I hope it is for each and every one of you. And if you’re thinking of getting married or otherwise settling in to one relationship, congratulations. You are fortunate, brave, and, if you’re like most of us, terrified. Why do so many couples... READ MORE

Me! Tyra! Giganta-Hair!

February 10, 2008   |   Leave a reply

The Tyra episode I taped (and blogged about) a few months ago will air on Valentine’s Day. The show is called “Will You Marry Me?” My appearance accounts for about 1/2 of 1% of the entire show. Although my hair takes up the entire screen. They really super-poofed my hair. That’s me in the back, looking ferklempt (not to mention... READ MORE

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