Meditation Teacher Training With Susan Piver

An 11-Week Exploration of the Path of the Teacher
By application
September 7 – November 16

To apply for a scholarship, see below or click here.

Open to All Who Want to Deepen Their Practice

Two Full Scholarships Offered | Classes on Saturdays, 10A ET – 12P ET | Limited to 35 Students

What is the Open Heart Project Meditation Teacher Training Program? What Makes it Different?


From self-help to stress-reduction, there are many ways to approach meditation. In the Open Heart Project, we view it as a spiritual practice that introduces you to deeper truths about who you really are and where your life is going. Sometimes those truths are wonderful, sometimes uncomfortable. Both are instructive. We will learn about all this together. 


This 11-week program will begin with a focus on your personal practice and continue with study of the principles behind the mystery and exploration of how they appear in your own life, and what it might mean to teach the practice to others. This is extremely important as there is no way to teach others without a strong personal practice.


A close study of the teaching path will reveal everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the practice of meditation. For real. I studied and practiced Buddhism for more than 20 years before becoming a teacher. As my own teaching path has developed, I see that I would not have understood my particular journey without also trying to share it with others. Invariably, the person who benefits the most from a class in meditation is…the teacher. I invite you to investigate this for yourself. 


This training program is not about exploring meditation from a so-called “secular” point of view. It is not a way to fix problems, it is a way to expand your sense of who you are and what is possible in your life. We will not look at the practice as a way to “get somewhere.” Rather, we will look at it as a way to become truly present and see our lives clearly. To do this, it is useful (and important! necessary!) to study certain Buddhist teachings. To separate the practice from the teachings that gave rise to it, as many other programs do, is to leave most of the magic on the table. No one has to be a Buddhist to appreciate teachings on simplicity, loving kindness, and the real meaning of discipline. We will investigate such teachings, not from an academic or scholarly perspective, but from a deeply personal one. The most important thing in the journey is that it be unique to you. And should you go on to teach, to support others to do the same. 


The Open Heart Project Meditation Teacher Training is not self-guided. It is live. It is personal. It is about you and me, you and your fellow students. You are not left on your own with a bunch of videos + instructions for how to use the material. Rather, we will meet as a class for two hours each week and go over all the material together with plenty of time for discussion, questions, and small group breakout sessions. Also included is an optional mid-week 30-minute check-in with me to go over any lingering thoughts or questions. At the end of our time together, you will know much more: about the practice, how to share it with others, and, perhaps most important, about yourself.

It would be a joy to go on this journey with you.

APPLY HERE for the Open Heart Project Meditation Teacher Training for 2024

Program Details

From September 7 to November 16, we will meet on Saturdays from 10:00a ET to 12:00p ET. Check-ins are on Thursdays from 4:00p ET to 4:30p ET, beginning on September 12 and ending on November 7. Class attendance is mandatory (see details below). Check-ins are optional.

After each class, you will be assigned homework as a way for you to reflect on that week’s class material. Homework is to be posted to our private, members-only forum before the next class and each student is also asked to share their responses to at least two other student’s reflections.

Throughout the program, students will break into pairs to practice offering meditation instruction to each other. 

During the final weeks of the program each student will meet with me one-to-one to discuss how the program is going for you and to give me meditation instruction.

During the final class there will be a test. Test questions are provided the first week of class so there is plenty of time for review. On test day, you will be asked to answer one question at random, orally and to the group.

There will be an option to join a small WhatsApp group (5–7 people, assigned randomly) to offer a way to stay in touch and share reflections between classes.


To teach meditation is a sacred responsibility. Please read over the requirements carefully.

Attendance is mandatory. We really mean this! There will be no successful completion of the program if attendance gets messed up! So please make very careful note of the dates. You may miss one class except for the first or last class. After the missed class, you will be asked to watch the video and send me an essay recapping the material that you missed. 


Completion of homework assignments. Assignments aren’t meant to get you to parrot back what you’ve learned but to support you to deepen your personal understanding of the material through readings and essays.


You will give me meditation instruction before the program ends. This is not to make sure you do exactly what I do, but to verify that you’ve made a personal connection to this practice. You should be able to teach it clearly in your own voice without embellishing the technique but still sharing from the heart. Meetings will be 20-minutes long. One-to-one sessions will be offered between October 28 to November 15. 


There will be a test (also called a “Warrior’s Circle”). Each student will be asked to answer one question in front of the group, without referring to notes. There will be approximately 30 test questions but neither of us will know which question you are to answer until I choose it randomly. You should be able to answer the question accurately but in your own voice. All questions (and Susan’s answers) are included in the course workbook you receive at the beginning of the program.

Who is this program for?

This program is for you if you want to:

Upon Graduation

  • You will receive a certificate acknowledging successful completion of the Open Heart Project Meditation Teacher Training
  • A one-year subscription to the Open Heart Project sangha to continue your education and deepen your personal practice ($270 value)

Who teaches the program?

Untitled design (3)

Susan Piver

Susan Piver has been a practicing Buddhist for more than 30 years. She is a Buddhist teacher and the New York Times bestselling author of nine books including Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation and The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern RelationshipsHer latest book is The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship.

In 2013, Piver launched The Open Heart Project, an online meditation community with nearly 20,000 members who practice meditation together and explore ways to bring spiritual values such as kindness, genuineness, and fearlessness to everyday life.

What Do Past Students Have to Say?

The Time Commitment

Class time: 2 hours per week

Homework and readings: about an hour per week

Weekly check-in: 30 minutes (optional)

Personal practice: 10-30 minutes per day

What’s the cost?

New Applicants
Meditation Teacher Training Program: Fall 2024

Early Bird Price: $2,100.00 (Until June 1, 2024)
Regular Price: $2,250.00 (Starting June 2, 2024)

Space is limited.

Once accepted, applicants must make payment (full or partial) within 10 days of acceptance or by start date (September 7, 2024); whichever is sooner, to secure a spot.

Payment plans in three installments are available.

Sangha Members
Meditation Teacher Training Program: Fall 2024

Sangha Price: $1,830.00 


Space is limited.


Once accepted, applicants must make payment (full or partial) within 10 days of acceptance or by start date (September 7, 2024); whichever is sooner, to secure a spot.

Payment plans in three installments are available.



Deadline to apply: August 1 

Refund Policy POLICY

Please note: Our refund policy is strict. 

Since attendance is limited, there are no full or partial refunds offered.

What happens when the program ends?

You have access to all class materials (videos, check-ins, forums) for life.

Graduates of the program receive an annual subscription to the Open Heart Project Sangha for one year so we can remain connected.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us here.

The Curriculum

Module One: The Power of Simplicity

September 7

  • Overview of the program
  • Our Practice: Shamatha-Vipashyana meditation
  • Establishing the view
  • Mindfulness and awareness in our practice
  • Background on our practice and where it fits in the Buddhist tradition
  • The importance of simplicity


September 14

  • Review of the meditation technique
  • Container principle
  • The Four Noble Truths and
  • The Eightfold Path as it relates to our practice
  • The importance of discipline


September 21

  • Three biggest misconceptions
  • Three steps to keep the practice sacred:
    • Make Offerings
    • Request Blessings
    • Dedicate the Merit
  • The importance of precision

Module Two: Opening Our Hearts

Beginning in Module Two, students will be paired randomly during class to give each other meditation instruction

September 28

  • Obstacles and Antidotes
  • The Four Immeasurable Qualities
    • Loving Kindness
    • Compassion
    • Sympathetic Joy
    • Equanimity


October 5

  • The Six Paramitas in our practice
    • Generosity
    • Discipline
    • Patience
    • Exertion
    • Absorption
    • Wisdom


October 12

  • Encountering strong emotions in self and others
    • Bringing feelings into the practice
    • The Importance of Sorrow
    • The Broken-Hearted Warrior

Module Three: Magic

October 19

  • Creating the teaching environment
  • Meeting the mind of your student
  • The importance of boundaries
  • Trauma-sensitivity


October 26

  • The Four Karmas and how to apply them
    • Pacify
    • Enrich
    • Magnetize
    • Destroy (or Let Go)

Module Four: The Teaching Path

November 2

  • Teaching people vs helping them to discover something
  • How to give instruction 1:1
    • Knowing who to work with and understanding your limits
    • The first meeting
    • Next steps
    • Setting up accurate expectations
  • Money and other business-related concerns
  • Attitudes about money and spirituality (your own and others)

November 9

  • Giving a Talk and Instructing a Group
    • How to plan
    • Topics to cover
    • Responding to questions
    • Problems you may encounter
    • Finding your confidence

November 16

  • Now What?
    • The power of the Three Jewels
    • Finding support
    • Deepening further
    • The importance and difficulty of finding a teacher (should you want to)
  • Our Test: A Warrior’s Circle
  • How to Stay Connected

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