May 8, 2017 |
Hello, meditator! Before this week’s practice, I answer a 2-part question from Open Heart Project meditator Carole: I would like to know if you combine the latest neuroscience research results with ancient wisdom on meditation? I would like to know why in the ’70’s I was trained to close my eyes during Transcendental Meditation and now you say to keep the... READ MORE
May 5, 2017 |
Earlier this week, I posted about applying the wisdom of Buddhism to romantic relationships. Is it even possible? Advisable? As a Buddhist and a wife, I would say yes. Relationships have periods of closeness and distance and no one can really tell you what governs their coming and going. It’s a mystery. During one such period of distance with my... READ MORE
May 2, 2017 |
My 19th wedding anniversary is coming up next month. HOLY CRAP. I never in a million years imagined that I would be with one person for this long. Our marriage has been more than I could have hoped for but nothing I would ever have expected. Like most of us, when I was young, I dreamed of finding the right relationship.... READ MORE
May 1, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. This is episode #10. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. This week’s questioner has struggled with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. One of the tenets of Buddhism is... READ MORE
May 1, 2017 |
The meditation begins at 5:17 Audio only version is here. Hello, dear meditator. A few weeks ago, I asked you all what your questions were and have been rewarded with fabulous inquiries! Thank you so much. It is a joy and a delight to answer your questions as part of this free weekly newsletter. This week’s question comes from Valerie,... READ MORE
April 24, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. This is episode #9. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. This week’s question is about deciding on a particular technique. Is it necessary? What if I derive benefit... READ MORE
April 24, 2017 |
The meditation begins at 9:27 Audio only version is here. Hello, dear meditator. A few weeks ago, I asked you what questions you had that I could answer in future videos. It turns out that I am a genius because you got back to me with great questions. This week I answer a question from Bee: I would like to... READ MORE
April 17, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. Our practice teaches us how to remain present…but we still have to make pragmatic and skillful choices about the future. Is there... READ MORE
April 10, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. In this week’s episode, our caller reports that her meditation practice brings her face-to-face with difficult emotions, which she was taught to... READ MORE
April 10, 2017 |
The meditation begins at 9:35 Audio only version is here. Hello, Open Heart Project meditator! Thank you for your willingness to look at your own mind through this profound practice. I am so happy to practice with you. My friend Michael Carroll is an author and executive leadership coach. When he is working with clients who are involved in an intense... READ MORE
April 3, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. This week’s Ask Susan question is a very practical one! When Marsha sits down to practice, her “feet go dead.” For all... READ MORE
March 27, 2017 |
Welcome to the Ask Susan podcast. I’m really excited to be able to offer this to you. Each week, I will answer a question about spirituality and meditation practice. Please click here to ask me your question. This week’s excellent question is about meditation during times of great upset. When we are angry, sad, or confused it seems more... READ MORE