Keep it Simple

January 9, 2017   |   Leave a reply

The meditation begins at 4:39
Audio only version is here.

Hello, Open Heart Project. Welcome to a new week! I hope it will be the best week of your life.

Today’s short talk before our 10-minute sit is about the importance and power of simplicity.

In Buddhist thought, simplicity has to do with being with what is without adding anything. It is a very profound skill. This week, I invite you to notice what you may do (or resist doing) that actually complicates the situations you find yourself in. I’m not suggesting that you DO anything differently. That adds to the complexity! Rather, just notice. Observe. Feel. Be with. This capacity is at the heart of simplicity…and simplicity is at the heart of ease, discernment, and power.

Today’s short talk introduces you to these notions. And know that in order to “deploy” simplicity, all you have to do is practice meditation. It is the practice of simplicity itself.

Thoughts, comments? I always love to hear from you.

With love, Susan

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