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Painful Emotions and Creating Real Change

September 19, 2022   |   6 Comments

Dear Open Heart Project, The recent series of videos about working with strong emotions struck a chord with so many of you. Understandably! There are so many painful situations on planet earth right now. At the same time, there is so much possibility. The great writer and thinker Catherine MacCoun, author of my favorite book in recent memory, On Becoming an... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Wisdom

January 3, 2022   |   6 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 22:53. Dear Open Heart Project, Happy new year! It is a delight to send you this sixth video in our series on the six paramitas or transcendent actions. Don’t worry if  you missed previous videos, you do not have to go back and start at the beginning. However, if you’d like to,... READ MORE

Happy New Year!

December 30, 2021   |   8 Comments

Dear Open Heart Project, It has been an honor to practice with you during this year of uncertainty and possibility. Personally, I have never needed sangha (community) more and I know I’m not alone in this! I look forward to continuing to send you meditation videos and short talks on bringing your practice off the cushion and into every aspect... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Meditative Absorption

December 20, 2021   |   4 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 19:45. Dear Open Heart Project, Welcome to this short talk on the fifth of the six paramitas (or transcendent actions). You can jump in right here, but if you’d like to watch or re-watch the prefions videos, they are right here: Paramita #1: Generosity Paramita #2: Discipline Paramita #3: Patience Paramita #4:... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Exertion

December 6, 2021   |   19 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 17:26. Dear Open Heart Project, Thank you so much for signing up for this six video series on the six paramitas or transcendent actions. These actions may sound ordinary—we all know that generosity, discipline, patience, exertion, concentration, and wisdom are worthy pursuits. We may have ideas about what each quality means, which... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Patience

November 22, 2021   |   9 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 21:26. Dear Open Heart Project, I’m happy to send you this, the third video in our series on the six paramitas or transcendent actions. As you may recall, these are the actions we can take to create the world we want to live in, one where sanity, decency, kindness, and love reign... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Discipline

November 8, 2021   |   17 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 24:44. Dear Open Heart Project, Thank you for signing up for this six video series on the six paramitas or transcendent actions. The first paramita, generosity, was covered here. Please enjoy this talk on the second paramita, discipline. And look for the next video in the series (on patience) next week. Thoughts,... READ MORE

The Six Paramitas: Generosity

October 25, 2021   |   18 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 22:12. Dear Open Heart Project, Hello, excellent person. I’m so glad to welcome you to the first video in our new six-video series, The Six Paramitas (or transcendent actions). I’ve been studying and appreciating the Six Paramitas for many years. As is so for many wisdom teachings, with every moment of understanding... READ MORE

Mommysattva: Contemplations for Mothers Who Meditate (or Wish They Could)

September 7, 2021   |   1 Comment

A few years ago, the Open Heart Project began publishing books specifically for YOU. We realized that traditional publishers may not be speaking to you as directly as we could–because we are in direct communication! It only made sense to publish works we knew you would be interested in. The first book we published was my own, The Four Noble... READ MORE

Turning the page into a new year with joy, compassion, and truth

January 4, 2021   |   6 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 9:02 Dear Open Heart Project, Welcome to a new year! To be able to connect with you as 2020 rolled and shook and careened was of great importance to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to sit with your own mind and heart during... READ MORE

If you feel depleted (who doesn’t?!) this is what will replenish you

December 21, 2020   |   15 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 3:57 Dear Open Heart Project, I hope you are well and feeling healthy and strong. Once I had the privilege of interviewing Tara Brach, the respected Vipassana teacher, about compassion. I asked her, “what do you tell your students who come to you with compassion fatigue?” I’m sure you’ve experienced what I... READ MORE

The power of community.

December 14, 2020   |   16 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 7:05. Dear Open Heart Project, I hope you are well. Before today’s sit, I share with you the single most necessary component of a meditation practice, the aspect that actually keeps it all going. I have learned this after teaching (literally) thousands and thousands of people how to meditate. It has nothing... READ MORE

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