How to Make Magic: Part One

October 3, 2022   |   12 Comments

Audio-only version is here.
Meditation practice begins at 11:45.

Dear Open Heart Project,

Hello, wonderful Open Heart Project. I hope you and yours are well and safe.

I so appreciate your responses to our recent series on painful emotions. If you missed it or want to rewatch the videos, they are here:


The greatest hits!

To turn toward our painful feelings (rather than try to escape them) is a very brave gesture.

When we agree to live in our world as it is, awake and open-hearted to the best of our ability, there is the possibility of discovering magic, the magic inherent in the world already. This magic is not about getting everything you want (although I hope you will!) or casting spells or anything like that. Rather, attuning to and caring about your world opens the gate to a deeper, more magical journey.

Magic takes shape in three ways: Outer Magic, Inner Magic, and Secret Magic. Today, I offer you a short talk on cultivating magic on the outer level.

Thoughts? I always love to hear from you.

With love, Susan

P.S. My new book, The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship, is newly published. You can find more details here. If you read it, please consider leaving an honest review on your preferred online retailer’s site.

These reviews really make a difference! Thanking you in advance.


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  • Posted by:  Patty

    Thank you Susan for the practice. I appreciate how you use examples to help us better relate to the teaching that you’re sharing with us. Namaste, Patty

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Sending love, Patty!

  • Posted by:  Olwen

    I very much enjoy your led sessions Susan.
    I would like to buy the book you’ve recently published…. Is it available in the UK yet?

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Thank you! Yes, it’s available on Amazon in the UK.

  • Posted by:  Arleen

    Dearest Susan,

    Thank you so much for that teaching on outer magic. It was the most beautiful and touching explanation of it I have ever heard and it especially resonated with me today. I look forward to tidying up and infusing my spaces with my love, or as it’s called in Hawaii, my mana.

    To outer magic,

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Here’s to mana… Glad it resonated. With love, S

  • Posted by:  Amy oliff

    I just love this idea of magic and how eloquently you put it. It really made so much sense as you related it to the space around us. Thank you always for your wisdom.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      <3 <3 <3

  • Posted by:  Gail O

    Oh, how I love this reminder for “ordinary magic” (this self-preservation 4 sometimes struggles with it – even as I recognize it as essential) I even pulled up my notes from the 2017 eCourse you offered, of the same name!
    Timely and needed – thank you, Susan <3

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      You are so welcome, Gail! Sending love, S

  • Posted by:  Debbie

    Dear Susan,
    What a delight! After all these years, meditating with you is a total delight. I bow to you, I thank you with my whole heart.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad we practice together! <3 S

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