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Dear Susan, I Am Rethinking My Marriage and Don’t Know What to Do

April 27, 2016   |   2 Comments

A meditation teacher and award-winning author provides guidance on readers’ real-life problems. Here is her advice on what to do when you’re spiritually disconnected from your spouse. Dear Susan, Four years ago something changed in me. I woke up feeling electrical. Full of energy. I saw things different, knowledge of things I don’t know came from where. Now my husband... READ MORE

Dear Susan, How Do I Deal With Loss?

April 18, 2016   |   1 Comment

  A meditation teacher and award-winning author provides guidance on readers’ real-life problems. Here is her advice on dealing with loss. Dear Susan, It has been 11 years since my late husband’s tragic death, I have since remarried, but I am missing my late husband greatly. I still miss him very much. How can I fully move on with my... READ MORE

The magic of a morning routine

September 9, 2015   |   4 Comments

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I felt productive, connected, and easeful. I accomplished work I was proud of. I liked myself. I focused on what mattered to me and honored my energy ebbs and flows. When I went to bed, I felt good-tired. The day before yesterday sucked. I wandered around in a fog. I watched a lot of television.... READ MORE


July 16, 2015   |   Leave a reply

Tal vez has visto en las noticias hoy que hombres armados abrieron fuego en las oficinas de la “revista satírica” Charlie Hebdo, una publicación en París, Francia, que en el pasado ha encolerizado a los extremistas Islámicos. Unas 12 personas, incluyendo famosos caricaturistas franceses, fueron asesinadas. Pensé que era una broma. No lo es. Nada puede hacer que esto esté bien.... READ MORE


July 9, 2015   |   15 Comments

(útil para trabajar con emociones fuertes en general) Nada se siente peor que un corazón roto, del tipo que tienes cuando alguien a quien amas termina la relación. Sentimientos de vergüenza, remordimiento, dolor, rabia y terror pueden abrumar incluso al ser humano más estable. El sufrimiento tiene el poder de hacer ver una vida factible como un desastre. Sorprendentemente, el... READ MORE


July 8, 2015   |   2 Comments

No sé si han notado esto acerca de su práctica de meditación, pero algo que mucha gente advierte es una especie de delicadeza-a su propia experiencia, tal vez, pero también al mundo que te rodea. Hay un sentido de permeabilidad, de caminar por la calle y recibir información de una manera más directa que antes. Cuando ves un narciso amarillo... READ MORE


June 19, 2015   |   Leave a reply

Acabo de terminar de enseñar en dos retiros en el Centro de Retiros Dechen Choling en Francia, El “Retiro Corazón Abierto” seguido por “Creatividad sin miedo: Un Retiro de Meditación y Escritura”. En el último día del último programa, un estudiante amablemente preguntó qué sentía yo cuando terminaba un retiro. Nuestro grupo estaba sentado a la mesa del desayuno en... READ MORE

How do Buddhists respond to violence?

April 28, 2015   |   8 Comments

I was teaching a workshop in Baltimore this past weekend, just as the rioting and agitation of the protests was ramping up. We all felt frozen. One of the students brought up this question—what are we supposed to do? What, as non-violent people, do we do when faced with violence, including our own? She was enraged at everyone. Enraged at... READ MORE

The Open Heart Project Annual Report

January 12, 2015   |   30 Comments

In creating the Open Heart Project, we are building something astonishing: the world’s first completely virtual, thoroughly robust, dharmically honest meditation center. My thoughts on how it went in 2014, where we are going in 2015, and the fascinating challenges encountered.     [social_share/]

Mourning Robin Williams

August 14, 2014   |   6 Comments

So many of us are sad at the death of the actor and comedian Robin Williams. To watch him perform was to witness an extreme display of life force. It seemed inexhaustible. It is shocking that someone that funny and that gifted would want to die. But there is something that exists at the root of humor and creativity that... READ MORE

The Dharma of Depression: a podcast

August 11, 2014   |   3 Comments

In this podcast, drawn from a talk in the Spring of 2014 at the New York Shambhala Center, Susan discusses the intelligence of depression, how to differentiate depression from sadness, and how depression can become a part of your spiritual path.

The Fierce Power of Vulnerability: a podcast

January 7, 2014   |   3 Comments

In this podcast, drawn from a talk in late 2013 at the New York Shambhala Center, Susan discusses some of the sources of the biggest problems we face: speed and stress; fundamentalism; fear–and how reconnecting with our innate softness reverses them. She draws the connection between mindfulness meditation and the softening of our hearts.

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