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Motivate Me Monday

March 24, 2008   |   Leave a reply

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Basically, the practice of sitting meditation doesn’t really help a great deal, yet it stirs up a lot of things. A lot of chaos, problems, and confusion begin to come up–as well as some kind of gentleness and understanding. So it seems to be okay, as long as you are not in a hurry. If you are... READ MORE

Listen Abushri!

March 22, 2008   |   1 Comment

LISTEN, ABUSHRI” by Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808-1887) Translated by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche You who enjoy the union of bliss and emptiness Seated motionless on the lunar disc Above a beautiful hundred petalled flower Radiant with white light, I pay homage to you the Divine Guru, Vajrasattva. Listen, Abushri You miserable, daydreaming fool, You remember how delusions Confused you in the... READ MORE

New Year's Resolutions: a Buddhist perspective

January 1, 2008   |   1 Comment

Good morning and hello New Year! I’m very excited that you’re here. This is a magical day. Can you feel it? No matter what else is going on, in some way most people are in a state of contemplation and hope. Yesterday and today are the two days in the year when reflection comes to the fore, and with it... READ MORE

Be more zen: what does this mean?!

December 21, 2007   |   4 Comments

Yesterday I did a radio interview with the Martha Stewart show on Sirius. It was about an article I wrote for the new Body + Soul Magazine, which is published by Martha. The article is called “Love Lessons” and is about how instead of getting all cranky when our loved ones don’t act right, we could employ something called The... READ MORE

Any writers out there?

November 26, 2007   |   Leave a reply

There are two things writers want: time & creative flow. Getting away from your everyday routine makes space for both. Join me on a retreat constructed especially for writers. The focus will be on plenty of time alone for personal writing, combined with daily meditation practice and evening discussion groups. Open to writers of fiction and non-fiction, published and unpublished.... READ MORE

Sadness and Heartbreak

November 7, 2007   |   1 Comment

I posted an essay some weeks (months?) back called, “Once I Had a Broken Heart.” I’ve received a tremendous amount of feedback, mostly from people who are struggling with this extraordinarily painful situation. The pain of a relationship ending is so real and cuts so deep, but we think we should just snap out of it after awhile. It’s not... READ MORE

A Viewpoint on Heartbreak

November 6, 2007   |   1 Comment

I was talking to my friend Michael Carroll today. We started discussing the nature of heartbreak. Here’s what he said. Check this riff: The defining aspect of our nature is vulnerability. Vulnerability is the precondition for compassion. The foundation of vulnerability is uncertainty. The seed of the open mind is tenderness…this is what allows us to fall in love, cherish... READ MORE

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