
Inspiration much?

January 16, 2008   |   2 Comments

Was e-mailing with a friend yesterday about the kookiness of trying to make a living as a writer when he said this: Being an artist is a risk. Risking non acceptance. Art has an interior dimension. One is groping for what has profound MEANING. Then to present that sense with integrity is vital. But it is a risk because it... READ MORE

Next book?

January 14, 2008   |   Leave a reply

Woke at 530 am. Was nervous about meetings today and after much thought and study, devised the following step-by-step strategy: 1. Feel nervous. 2. Rouse good cheer and trust in my own intelligence. 3. Drop all of that. 4. Click in with the atmosphere of the meeting and allow it to affect me. 5. See what happens next. Strategy was... READ MORE

Next book?

January 13, 2008   |   9 Comments

Unlike fiction writers, we non-fiction, self-helpy people don’t submit books, we submit book proposals, a lengthy outline of an idea. Good news: The book is sold before you start writing it. Bad news: creative direction is subject to group-think.In writing 4 books, I’ve screwed this creative direction thing up every which way. I’ve acted the know-it-all and ignored valuable input... READ MORE

What it was like to be on Oprah

January 4, 2008   |   9 Comments

Yes, I was on Oprah. Two times in late 2003, early 2004. Without fail, when someone hears I’ve been on the show assumptions are made: 1. I must have pulled some wicked strings to get myself on. 2. I am now rich. If only it were that simple. I’d be spending money like water and jerking those strings whenever coffers... READ MORE

New Year's Resolutions: a Buddhist perspective

January 1, 2008   |   1 Comment

Good morning and hello New Year! I’m very excited that you’re here. This is a magical day. Can you feel it? No matter what else is going on, in some way most people are in a state of contemplation and hope. Yesterday and today are the two days in the year when reflection comes to the fore, and with it... READ MORE

Be more zen: what does this mean?!

December 21, 2007   |   4 Comments

Yesterday I did a radio interview with the Martha Stewart show on Sirius. It was about an article I wrote for the new Body + Soul Magazine, which is published by Martha. The article is called “Love Lessons” and is about how instead of getting all cranky when our loved ones don’t act right, we could employ something called The... READ MORE

Tyra taping

December 6, 2007   |   2 Comments

I taped a short segment on the Tyra Banks show on Dec 5. It was about asking The Hard Questions before you get married. This is not the dress I wore, but it was basically this style: Here’s what happened: The roller coaster ride is over and I’m back at my desk in Boston wondering if the whole thing even... READ MORE

Tyra! Me! Relationships!

December 5, 2007   |   7 Comments

Taping an interview today on the Tyra Banks show!!! Totally came out of the blue. As these things do. I’ll be talking with Tyra and a very adorable couple about their plans to marry and why it’s important to ask The Hard Questions. I don’t know when it will air; perhaps Valentine’s Day. From past experience, I know that being... READ MORE

Any writers out there?

November 26, 2007   |   Leave a reply

There are two things writers want: time & creative flow. Getting away from your everyday routine makes space for both. Join me on a retreat constructed especially for writers. The focus will be on plenty of time alone for personal writing, combined with daily meditation practice and evening discussion groups. Open to writers of fiction and non-fiction, published and unpublished.... READ MORE

Great response to broken heart questions. Please read!

November 24, 2007   |   Leave a reply

Please check out these wonderful responses. Most people eventually find a way to get over a broken heart, but not with so much awareness and generosity toward self and ex. What helped you? (If anything.) Time. And our ability to keep in touch throughout all these years after. This was a wonderful midlife romance that has turned into a friendship... READ MORE

Ever had a broken heart?

November 20, 2007   |   Leave a reply

I’d love to hear your story for my next book. What helped you? (If anything.) What did you learn about yourself? About love? If you don’t want to post here, feel free to email me directly. If you liked this article, please bookmark it on or vote for it on Digg. I’d appreciate it. 🙂

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