The Spiritual Path: Part One

May 15, 2023   |   5 Comments

Audio-only version is here.
Meditation practice begins at 22:23.

Dear Open Heart Project,

When it comes to our spiritual practices (whatever they may be), both uncertainty and possibility are always present so in some sense, we are in the perfect training ground for awakening. In the Buddhist view (and no one has to be a Buddhist to make this information of use!) the journey has three distinct and inseparable phases.

This week, I begin a new series about these three phases, called the three yanas or vehicles. The first stage, as you will learn, is about establishing a strong foundation, the second is concerned with heart opening, and the third is about seeing the whole world as sacred.

As you know, these video series are free. It is my delight to create them for you. Please forward to anyone who may find them beneficial.

How do you prepare for any kind of journey? How does it relate to your personal practice? I always love to hear from you.

Love, Susan

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  • Posted by:  Eroca

    What a great way to begin our week! A wise talk and a meditation. As you were mentioning simplicity, I remembered a book I purchased back in the 70’s, BE HERE NOW. From that book I realized it was ok to walk through puddles with my tiny daughter even though I had a university paper to write. Keeping my life simple felt so freeing.
    And I’ve been on this path ever since, with varying degrees of success of course.
    Thank you, Susan!

  • Posted by:  D

    Life is fairly fluid, isn’t it? I sense that whatever reality I feel a part of each day is somewhat contingent on circumstances. The distinction between the three Yanas seems different at different times???

  • Posted by:  Matias

    I follow the Open Heart Project since 2017 and feel always so grateful every time I see and hear your videos, Susan, and for the opportunity to practice in community. Thank you, thank, thank you.

  • Posted by:  Betsy

    Thank you, Susan, for this teaching on the 3 vehicles.
    As you mention, each time I hear this (& other teachings) something new resonates for me.
    I appreciate the “discipline, renunciation & simplicity” and how you explain each.
    Much gratitude for your teaching,

  • Posted by:  Anett

    Thank you Susan , for you kindness , always. With gratitude for seeing , listening and being with you here now.


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