new article: "getting serious"

August 24, 2007   |   2 Comments


I wrote an article entitled, “Getting Serious” for the September issue of Body & Soul magazine. It’s about things to consider when you’re thinking about getting serious about a relationship.

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  • Posted by:  amanda

    “Getting serious” really heped me change the way I think about my relationship and I have to thank you for that. although your a lot like my boyfriend and i am a lot like your husband, there are definately things I have to have an open heart about, accept, and even when I’m heated, try my best to not be mean. thank you for writing so openly and honest about your relationship!

  • Posted by:  susan

    hi amanda. thanks for taking the time to be in touch. i’m so glad if my article was helpful. it can be really hard to accept how different you are from the one you love. but these differences can provide valuable opportunities to figure out how to love even when you don’t feel like it.

    not sure what you’re referring to specifically when you say you’re more like my husband and your boyfriend is more like me–is it the wanting time alone part? if so, here’s something a friend (who is a marriage counselor) said to me once–“in every relationship there’s always one person who wants more time alone and one who wants more time together. and they’re both critical to a successful relationship.” what this taught me was that i had to learn to value duncan’s inclination as beneficial for us, not as an attack on me! still trying by the way…

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