I’m torn by emotions. How can I rid myself of grasping?

May 20, 2024   |   11 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 13:51

Hello, I hope you and your loved ones are well and finding moments of joy. Before today’s 10-minute meditation, I share some thoughts about the second noble truth of Buddhism, the cause of suffering. Suffering is said to be caused by grasping (or craving). 

That means we are out of luck because most of us are riddled with wanting, desire, and passions of all sorts. 

Well, maybe you’re out of luck. Maybe you’re just a human being. Love and rage and sorrow and joy are part of our lives. Now what? Please have a listen to this short talk on what grasping really means and how one might work with it to avoid (or cause) suffering.

Remember that you are warmly invited to join the Open Heart Project sangha, our membership community. The conversations go deeper and we have more time together. If money is an issue, know that we have a scholarship fund so if that is right for you, just hit reply and let us know.

With love, 

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  • Posted by:  Dinah


    Your posts are nourishing!

    Greetings from Vermont

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad to hear it! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Allison Potter

    Thank you for this, it was very thought-provoking and helpful to me where I am right now in my journey. I have a hard time with the “optional” suffering. I also tend to grasp and being non-grasping. I like how you said the non-grasping thing is to feel it and the grasping is wanting things to be different.
    I got a lot out of this, thank you <3

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad it was useful, Allison. xo S

  • Posted by:  Margit Beckman

    Trying to accept whatever I’m given is something I have to work on constantly. Thank you for the discussion about grasping.

    I don’t know if you’ve ever discussed this, but if you haven’t, I’d love to hear your thoughts about the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom,

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Thanks for the suggestion, it’s a good idea. Will give it thought. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Nancy Sajda

    Hi Susan,
    Just wanted you to know that yours is the best explanation of grasping that I’ve heard. I was a member of a sanga lead by a Buddhist monk for 2 years before leaving LI. Since moving to MD in 2009, I have belonged to the Open Heart Project. So, I’ve heard and read several explanations. The way you explained…it’s not this …and it’s not this…it’s not that one needs to change what IS, but instead feel what one feels and BE with what IS. I truly had an “ah moment”when you explained in that way. Thank you! Nancy, Interfaith minister

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Many thanks, Nancy. This means a lot to me! Sending love, Susan

  • Posted by:  diana plummer

    Thank you for this inspiring talk on grasping.
    The middle way between hope and fear can lead to a recognition of ‘breath in and breath out’,
    and to a place of ‘no holding’-a place to accept ‘BEING’ without any requirements-only presence.
    Now I have to put this into practice!

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So happy we are walking the path together! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Betsy Loeb

    Dear Susan, Once again you took a basic teaching of grasping and linked it in a way that feels so profound to me. I feel like most of my waking hours are wanting a different now. I hadn’t previously associated it with grasping. I just thought I was selfish. How could I want something different when I have so much privilege, good health and a sweet family? This is huge for me and I have much to contemplate. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Betsy

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