
Barack & Me

October 30, 2008   |   5 Comments

The first President I remember is Nixon and that was not such a good experience. As a kid, I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I knew it wasn’t good, I knew the rest of the world was somehow laughing at us and, worse, even us kids knew that we had fallen from grace in our own eyes.... READ MORE

Image Poisoning

October 6, 2008   |   7 Comments

These are times of extraordinary polarization. In its final days, our election is deteriorating into vicious slander and purposeful manipulation that aims to convince us, not of the other’s poor policy positions, but of their evilness. Undecided Americans are being baited into believing that Barack Obama is positioning himself to destroy what they hold valuable. As an Obama supporter, I... READ MORE

Catalog copy for new book–help w subtitle?

October 4, 2008   |   21 Comments

This is how Simon & Schuster will describe my new book in their catalog. It includes the title, subtitle, brief description, and some very nice quotes to give me credibility and make me sound cool. Next step is to submit the manuscript (Oct 15) and then begin revisions based on editor’s comments and vision, which I look forward to very... READ MORE

The Stages of Heartbreak

October 1, 2008   |   3 Comments

My friend Sarah ingeniously outlines them this way. Check out her blog for more such Sarah-ness. Here are the phases as I see it… 1) The Break-up/Emotional Thrombosis/International Freak-out Whatever, that’s like a month to 6 weeks of hell, panic, devastation. All you have to do is survive and lean on your friends and family as much as possible. I... READ MORE

Quiet Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation, Edited by Me

September 25, 2008   |   4 Comments

QUIET MIND A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation Includes a CD of guided instructions Edited by Susan Piver Hardcover with CD / Shambhala Publications / 128 pages / 5 1/2 x 6 1/4 ISBN 978-1-59030-597-3 / October 2008 List Price: $14.00 Our Price: $11.20, you save $2.80 (20%) Description of Quiet Mind This unique book-and-audio program brings together some of the... READ MORE

What to do with a broken heart when you just can't take it anymore

September 15, 2008   |   23 Comments

For my new book, “The Wisdom of a Broken Heart,” I’m compiling a list of things you could do when you think you’re about to lose it. Meant for those super acute moments when you basically can’t even remember your own name and you just need someone to give you a task. It’s divided into three categories: Distract it. Indulge... READ MORE

A Moving Wish

September 8, 2008   |   9 Comments

I moved to Boston about 6 years ago, from Manhattan. Before that, I lived in Austin, TX. I grew up in D.C. I would move back to Manhattan or Austin in a millisecond. I’d also relocate to D.C. because of my parents and other family. But I do not, repeat, do NOT want to live in Boston. Everyone who knows... READ MORE

The Strange Habits of a Writer (this writer)

September 5, 2008   |   3 Comments

I can write to the ambient noise of a coffee shop, but not to music. I prefer to write when other people are sleeping. I like to write on holidays like Christmas and the 4th of July. Something about feeling that the rest of the world is otherwise engaged helps me. Hard as I try, I cannot, cannot, CANNOT write... READ MORE

Wedding Poem

September 2, 2008   |   Leave a reply

Photo by Ming My beautiful friend Dana got married to the excellent Saxon and she asked me to say something during the ceremony. What could be a greater honor? And what can one possible say to mark something as momentously insanse and fabulous as getting married? Here is the poem I wrote: For you, under an open sky without beginning... READ MORE

Heartbreak song #1: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

August 29, 2008   |   2 Comments

Jimmy Ruffin [audio:Ruffin.mp3] While writing my book on heartbreak (“The Wisdom of a Broken Heart,” due out in September ’09), I’ve turned again and again to that time honored source of knowledge and solace: music. Here are the lyrics to my current all-time fave. It is just so wrenching and poetic. Grab a kleenex and enjoy. WHAT BECOMES OF THE... READ MORE

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