
Loving Kindness Meditation for Hurricane Victims

October 27, 2024   |   Leave a reply

Our hearts continue to go out to those affected by the devastating hurricanes across the East Coast. One way I know I can be of help is to practice loving kindness for all those impacted by the storms. Our sangha gathering on October 4th practiced loving kindness for hurricane victims. Here is the recording. May our practice be of benefit.... READ MORE

Four actions to help alleviate anxiety

October 21, 2024   |   8 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 9:10

I hope you and yours are well! As we get closer and closer to the US election, anxieties and tensions are bound to rise. We are in a state of divisiveness and fear. It is hard (impossible?) not to fall prey to sorrow and frustration. I wish I could tell you that Buddhism had some solution to all of this.... READ MORE

Compassion fatigue and being loving while also angry: it’s possible.

October 14, 2024   |   14 Comments

Meditation begins at 14:59

Audio only version is here

I hope you are well and safe. If you are in a region impacted by recent hurricanes, my heart goes out to you and I hold you in my practice. I know that doesn’t change or fix things, but it’s true nonetheless. This morning I got an email from one of you asking for some thoughts on compassion fatigue. First... READ MORE

How is it possible to practice during a time of stress and anger?

October 7, 2024   |   8 Comments

Audio only version is here.
Meditation begins at 16:15

Dear, wonderful Open Heart Project practitioners, May all beings discover their inherent sanity and decency.  Although it may sound improbable, meditation is a direct conduit to such qualities. It introduces space between what we think and what we do, how we feel and the conclusions we draw about self and other. Truly, the world is in need of people who... READ MORE

Loving Kindness Meditation for those impacted by Helene

October 5, 2024   |   Leave a reply

Yesterday, the Open Heart Project sangha gathered to practice loving kindness for those impacted by Hurricane Helene. Posting her in case you would like to practice. This is a great example of what a sangha can do when times are difficult. Thank you, OHP sangha. I love you.

How (and why) to accept the unacceptable (aka impermanence)

September 29, 2024   |   10 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 12:14

Hello, I hope you and your loved ones are well. Before today’s 10-minute meditation, I share some thoughts about the first noble truth of Buddhism–that life is suffering (or unsatisfying). Thanks a lot, Buddha! Not exactly what I was hoping to hear. Nonetheless…there is power and even joy in abiding in reality. In your life. IRL (in real life). It’s... READ MORE

What to do about “monkey mind”?

September 9, 2024   |   2 Comments The sitar player said, “If I tune the strings too tightly, they break. If they are too loose, no sound comes out.” “Just so,” replied the Buddha, “you should hold your mind in meditation.”

As you have learned (or will learn if this is your first time meditating), our practice requires us to be mindful of three things. First is mindfulness of body—we hold our posture in a certain way. Second is mindfulness of breath—we place attention on breath and, when it strays, bring it back. Third is mindfulness of mind. But what does... READ MORE

3 ways to work with “negative” emotions

September 2, 2024   |   5 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation begins at 12:00

Dear wonderful Open Heart Project, It’s possible you thought, as did I, that meditation would help you feel…less. Less rage. Less sorrow. I’d have even settled for less crankiness. No such luck–I’m still a human being. I made this video for those of you who fear that anger or other so-called negative emotions mean you are not a spiritual person.... READ MORE

Election season anger and fear

August 26, 2024   |   2 Comments

This morning while I was meditating, I pictured myself punching a particular Presidential candidate in the face. I wished he was dead. I found myself hoping that someone would kill him. While I was meditating, y’all. As lame as I may be as a meditator and a Buddhist, I recognized that this was the wrong way to go. Even though... READ MORE

The path is what you’re doing right now

August 19, 2024   |   5 Comments

In the Buddhist view, there are three ways to practice the dharma. (Determining the way that is right for you is a matter of karma and inspiration.) The first way is the path of monasticism. This is fairly straightforward in terms of understanding what is meant. You renounce this world and the things of this world—money, sex, buying a house,... READ MORE

Recording of Meet the Inner Teacher info session

August 12, 2024   |   2 Comments

It was a joy to discuss the means by which meditation supports a deeper relationship with your own wisdom mind.  Meeting the inner teacher is a profound and fascinating subject—and one rarely discussed when mindfulness meditation is taught as a self-help technique or life hack. As mindfulness makes its way into our culture, fewer and fewer teachers offer it for... READ MORE

What is the “middle way?” (Might not be what you thought…)

August 12, 2024   |   12 Comments

Audio-only version is here. Meditation practice begins at 11:36. Dear Open Heart Project, Hello, and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who reached out to me after my cat passed away. Your kindness has been received and welcome. In this video, I share something I’ve been thinking about in relation so my own spiritual journey, what in Buddhism is called... READ MORE

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