On the road: Austin to Wichita
January 18, 2010 | 6 CommentsSome video musings: A super proud moment! Yer typical Austin breakfast joint Oklahoma beauty
Some video musings: A super proud moment! Yer typical Austin breakfast joint Oklahoma beauty
Video interview from the road with the beautiful Erielle. She discusses her broken heart and what helped her to find a way to stay better.
It’s my response to the Brit Hume & Bill O’Rellly vs the Buddha flap. Please feel free to comment positively or negatively on HuffPo site!! The more comments, the better!! http://bit.ly/4P1rYL
Here it is. I have no idea if it went well or poorly at this point, but I really liked my outfit. If you’re here looking for more info on The Wisdom of a Broken Heart and how to deal with the extraordinary situation that is heartbreak, please go here. And remember–no matter how awful it feels, something wise and... READ MORE
Scheduled to appear on CBS Early show tomorrow (Jan 5) sometime between 8a & 9a to talk about heartbreak and how to deal with it. I think Maggie Rodriguez is doing the interview. Will try to post link to video. Wish me luck…
2009 was a year of remarkable discoveries, no? We discovered we could do with less than we thought. We discovered, for the gazillionth time, that money cannot buy happiness. We discovered that the world could look right side up one moment and upside down the next. We discovered new leadership for our country and the world. We (OK, I) discovered... READ MORE
I got tagged! Now you’re it. Talk to me. 1. I am a cat person. 2. I was the Chapter Leader of the Boston Guardian Angels when I was 19 years old. I was a tough girl. 3. If you’re in a crisis, I make an incredibly good friend. I’m not such a good friend when everything is normal. I... READ MORE
Sorry I haven’t posted in so long! Have been toooo busy. I hate being busy. But between consulting work, revising new book, and hair appointments, haven’t had a moment. A consulting gig has been taking me to the Bay Area every 10 days or so and while last there was on a local ABC show, discussing “The Hard Questions: 100... READ MORE
By His Holiness, the Dalai Lama I love this distinction: I believe there is an important distinction to be made between religion and spirituality. Religion I take to be concerned with belief in the claims to salvation of one faith tradition or another–an aspect of which is acceptance of some form of meta-physical or philosophical reality, including perhaps an idea... READ MORE
FROM MY FRIEND ROBERT B, EMBEDDED IN IRAQ, UNABLE FOR SOME REASON TO POST THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY. PLEASE READ. Susan, Here is my report from Baghdad, where I am an embedded aid worker deep inside our military’s headquarters. I just wanted to share some perspective on how much has changed in the past six weeks. When I arrived here two... READ MORE