Radio Interview with Irene Rawlings
March 23, 2010 | 2 CommentsA very different interview with the lovely Irene Rawlings on KBCO in Denver. Specifically about working with heartbreak. In two parts, appropriately enough. Part 1 Part 2
A very different interview with the lovely Irene Rawlings on KBCO in Denver. Specifically about working with heartbreak. In two parts, appropriately enough. Part 1 Part 2
When in Lexington, KY last month, I did this interview with the lovely poet Katerina Stokoya-Klemer. She interviews writers for her show, Accents. (Her own accent is pretty awesome.) She interviewed me about my work from a literary perspective. This was a first for me and I enjoyed it very, very much. I also read a short chapter from the book. Here is... READ MORE
kitchen/living rm dining rm/office stairway from bdrm
Everyone in Denver: I heart you.
While I stayed at Jennifer Louden’s house, we talked about heartbreak, writing, and teaching. Plus she and Bob cooked for me and let me do laundry. It was awesome. Untitled from jennifer louden on Vimeo.
Excerpt from my recent Huffington Post blog: The recent throwdown between Amazon and Macmillan publishers is very, very interesting. I’m observing from three perspectives—as a working author trying to make a living as such; a Macmillan author, and an ex-music business exec. When I read this on an Amazon forum: “I am not in the habit of supporting bullies…” I... READ MORE
5 Steps to Heal a Broken Heart
Long interview on WebTalk Radio.
A lovely photograph, taken by Konchog Norbu, a monk in Montana. Can you see the broken heart? And how beautifully it’s held by its mountain brothers?
Such a thoughtful, wonderful guy. I love how he pauses to really think about his answers…
Downtown Wichita in the rain Beautiful & flat Completely strange shopping mall with some kind of play area with gorilla. I cannot figure this out. But thought the gorilla looked pretty cool coming through the mist. Gorilla in the mist, Kansas-stylee. Drive became extremely foggy at one point. Kind of cool. Prairie moonscape. Mountains rising up on the road to... READ MORE