May 25, 2010 |
Hay algunas cosas en las que soy buena, si me permites decirlo. Sé de generosidad. Sé sobre paciencia. Sé cómo intentar realmente, realmente esforzándome. Estoy dedicada a la búsqueda de la sabiduría. Sin embargo, hay una habilidad en la que realmente soy mala y, sin ella, todas estas buenas cualidades son considerablemente más débiles de lo que podrían ser. ¿Esa... READ MORE
May 18, 2010 |
Am planning to create an unabridged audio book of “The Wisdom of a Broken Heart.” I’m going to record and edit it myself and I’m really excited about it. I see it as a chance to add some of the insights and stories I’ve garnered in the 4 months since the book was published. I’m also going to include “extras,”... READ MORE
May 1, 2010 |
The “short form” of my New Dimensions Café interview is now available for listening and downloading for FREE on the New Dimensions website. From their website: Program Description: “Love is the least safe thing there is. It’s fierce. You can’t domesticate it. It’s wild. When you find it you should rejoice. When you lose it you should grieve.” So says... READ MORE
April 29, 2010 |
Some of you may know that I am a huge music lover. I worked in the independent music business for about 15 years. I have heard things that would make your mind explode. (In a good way.) There are a few recordings that I count as my always-fresh, completely beloved, never-tire-of-listening-ever-ever musical loves. They include (but are in no way... READ MORE
April 29, 2010 |
Trungpa Rinpoche cuts right through to the core of our confusion and gives it back to us as wisdom. Thank you, thank you, thank you. “We must be willing to be completely ordinary people, which means accepting ourselves as we are without trying to become greater, purer, more spiritual, more insightful. If we can accept our imperfections as they are,... READ MORE
April 28, 2010 |
(handy for working with strong emotions in general) Nothing feels worse than a broken heart, the kind you get when someone you love ends the relationship. Feelings of shame, remorse, grief, rage, and terror can overwhelm even the most stable human being. Heartbreak has the power to reframe a workable life as a disaster. Surprisingly, Buddhism has a tremendous amount... READ MORE
April 27, 2010 |
Bindu Wiles, a blogger who brings a fresh, warm, down to earth voice to my favorite subjects: Dharma, Creativity, and Writing, interviewed me for her blog. The interview felt like talking to a sister.
April 26, 2010 |
Change Gonna Come Sam Cooke The Dark End of the Street James Carr I Can’t Stand The Rain Ann Peebles I Can’t Stop Loving You Freddy Fender I’ve Been Loving You Too Long Otis Redding There Is An End The Greenhornes & Holly Golightly What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? Jimmy Ruffin When I Get Like This Five Royales Whole... READ MORE
April 26, 2010 |
I had such a wonderful time teaching from The Wisdom of a Broken Heart this past week in D.C., N.Y., Toronto, and Montreal (where the book is called La Sagesse d’un Coeur Brisé which makes it sound so pretty). Over and over, I’m struck by the deep well of tenderness that resides in each of us and how a broken... READ MORE
April 20, 2010 |
Read this today on Dennis Hunter’s thoughtful, helpful blog, One Human Journey, where he writes about his spiritual journey which includes hearing amazing talks from Ani Pema at Gampo Abbey. Click here to read the rest of the post. A few days ago, Pema Chodron gave a teaching at the Abbey in which she defined the aspiration of bodhicitta in... READ MORE
April 12, 2010 |
I’m very proud that my interview with Justine Toms of the legendary New Dimensions Media will be broadcast on April 14. We went deep. There is an audio excerpt here. Listening options are here.
April 5, 2010 |
In January and February I drove across the country giving talks on what heals a broken heart. The talks were based on my new book, The Wisdom of a Broken Heart. Well, what is the wisdom of a broken heart then? How can something that feels so outrageously awful contain any intelligence whatsoever? Why would anyone want to do anything... READ MORE