April 28, 2015 |
I was teaching a workshop in Baltimore this past weekend, just as the rioting and agitation of the protests was ramping up. We all felt frozen. One of the students brought up this question—what are we supposed to do? What, as non-violent people, do we do when faced with violence, including our own? She was enraged at everyone. Enraged at... READ MORE
April 15, 2015 |
Thank you, Kris, for these excellent questions. Q1: As for putting our attention on our breath, would you want to speak to the relationship between putting my attention on my thoughts and (not) sort of leaving my body? I feel like sometimes what is happening for me is that while focusing on my breath, and labeling my thoughts, I lose... READ MORE
March 25, 2015 |
I wanted to use today’s email to respond to a post (on our Facebook page) from Barba Twin regarding anger and forgiveness. In it, she describes a situation that many of you may be familiar with: a relationship that has ended with no opportunity for closure. The person seeking it is then left on his or her own to find... READ MORE
January 12, 2015 |
In creating the Open Heart Project, we are building something astonishing: the world’s first completely virtual, thoroughly robust, dharmically honest meditation center. My thoughts on how it went in 2014, where we are going in 2015, and the fascinating challenges encountered. [social_share/]
January 11, 2015 |
Translation courtesy of Yolanda Andrade. Tal vez han visto las noticias donde hombres armados abrieron fuego en las oficinas de la “revista satírica” Charlie Hebdo, publicación francesa que en el pasado ha enfurecido a los extremistas islámicos. 12 personas, incluyendo el famoso caricaturista francés, fueron asesinadas. Pensé que era un chiste, No lo es. Nada puede mejorar lo sucedido. No hay explicación... READ MORE
January 11, 2015 |
(traduction française de Elise Maes Le Goff) Texte original Aujourd’hui des hommes armés ont ouvert le feu dans les bureaux du magazine satirique Charlie Hebdo qui avait soulevé par le passé la colère d’islamistes extrémistes. Douze personnes, dont des dessinateurs célèbres en France, ont été tués. J’ai cru que c’était une blague. Mais non. Rien ne peut rendre cela acceptable.... READ MORE
January 11, 2015 |
January 7, 2015 |
Perhaps you have seen the news today that gunmen opened fire on the offices of the “satirical magazine” Charlie Hebdo, a publication in Paris, France that has in the past angered Islamist extremists. Up to 12 people, including famous French cartoonists, were killed. I thought it was a joke. It is not. Nothing... READ MORE
November 17, 2014 |
“Start Here Now; Creating a Sustainable Meditation Practice” from Susan Piver’s talk at the New York City Shambhala Center on November 11th, 2014. Susan offers her tips for creating a meditation practice that is rewarding and realistic. [social_share/]
November 10, 2014 |
Given at the Shambhala Mountain Center’s “Awake in the World” conference in October 2014, Susan Piver discusses relationships, buddhism and the dharma.
August 28, 2014 |
I’ve written 5 books and edited 3, given countless public talks, and taught many workshops. I still struggle with self-confidence and like many who do, choose one of the two main coping mechanisms: downplaying myself and what I know and situating myself as one of many voices on the topic. (The other is overplaying and claiming complete authority while attempting... READ MORE
August 14, 2014 |
So many of us are sad at the death of the actor and comedian Robin Williams. To watch him perform was to witness an extreme display of life force. It seemed inexhaustible. It is shocking that someone that funny and that gifted would want to die. But there is something that exists at the root of humor and creativity that... READ MORE