Tim Gunn PSA for at-risk LGBT teens
October 6, 2010 | 2 CommentsPlease share this amazing, straightforward, moving PSA from the beloved Tim Gunn. Pass it along to any at-risk teens or families who may be struggling with issues of sexuality or gender. The Trevor Project is a suicide hotline that is there to help. 866 488 7386
We love you. We care.
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The start of the school year has kept me from checking in daily to your blog. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. An easy answer unless you are doing some root teaching of your own and don’t have the time to win, but will certainly find 60 bucks because you love Pema. Anyway, Tim Gunn: The epitome of class and equanimity in any setting. Thank you from a concerned educator of middle school kids in a district that has adopted (paid through the nose for) an anti-bullying program that seems superficial at best and does not dare mention suffering based on sexuality. I think every day about what it might be like to get up in the morning exactly as I am, only to fear those who think who I am is not what should be. My heart is with all of you. May you find the strength to reach out for help.
Cheers to that.