The Open Heart Project: 2015 Annual Report
January 5, 2016 | 11 Comments
Hello, to all! I hope your year is beginning in a delightfully auspicious way. Mine is, because I finished this $(#) annual report which has somehow taken about a week to write. (I thought it would take a couple of hours.) I share it with you here as an account of the ups and downs of 2015 which, as it turns out for us, was a pivotal year. Our community gelled and our offerings diversified greatly. The Open Heart Project has truly become a full dharma center in the Cloud. Thank you for your support, good humor, and grumpiness. Most of all, thank you for your practice.
I hope you will enjoy reading this account of what it has been like to build a dharma community and a business at the same time, with the sincere intention to respect both fully and avoid sacrificing one for the other.
categorized in: dharma, teaching
Thank you for your transparency Susan. I am loving OHP!
Deep gratitude for: DDG, your weekly guided meditations, creating and providing a strong sense of community and mostly….the virtual shrine room. I’m usually alone (when I enter the shrine room) and yet I always have a strong experience of belonging.
So excited for “what is in the works”, especially the MBSR training and the life-study program. Thank you for your generosity and vision.
Deep bow,
Thank you Susan,
the report (including cat-photos) was so beautiful, such a pleasure to read.
Your thoughts concerning
money/ getting paid as dharma teacher
and being shy/ “hiding”, and being okay with that
are resonating – a really positive inspiring vibe.
embracing you and the sangha
Thank you for sharing these reports. :>
Thank you Susan for your openness , dare I say that it makes me feel more connected to you ? Thank you especially for gently pointing out how I continue to get in my own way, it REALLY spoke to me and I greatly appreciate your regular reminders of this in the monthly newsletter . Thank you for the OHP and all it brings to a world where so many long to connect for the greater good. Much love x
I’m so glad to read this, Lisa. The point was to strengthen the connection, so this is wonderful.
May we each get out of our own way! With love, Susan
Thank you so much for this beautiful report. It was a pleasure to read it and I can understand that it took a week to write, I’m amazed it didn’t take longer!
I love practicing with you regularly, really enjoyed the Mindful new year programme, am becoming engrossed in the Enneagram Course and very much look forward to the MBSR programme.
Much love and blessings
This is lovely, Maggie! I also enjoy practicing with you. Many thanks for taking the time to read this report. xo S
Hi Susan,
I so much appreciated this report and your openness and transparency around your own struggles. I’ve been grappling with some of the same big questions around dharma and money and generosity, and am grateful for what you shared here.
It’s been such a delight to watch you and the Open Heart Project grow and evolve over these past few years. You are an inspiration to me and so many others!
What loving and supportive followers..
Dearest Susan: As usual I agree with ALL of your annual report. Your transparency a new buzz word shows you to be so authentic, all the while admitting the difficulty of being a human being. SO LOVED your post on The Donald. Now the only complaint I have is that I often check your blog to see your most recent post. I know you are a busy busy woman and yet I at times need a fix that only you seem to provide. Just as often I am disappointed there is no new post. Oh, Oh, it appears my attachment has become unreasonable and I must practice simple patience and wait. This is what I so love about this path. Everything, every single thing gently points to something I can’t have when I want it, NOW please. In this way it shows proof that what you teach is very much desired by your students and fans. It also shows me that once again, I must let go. With respect and love, Kathy.