The importance of emotional boundaries—and how meditation helps

February 24, 2025   |   39 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation practice begins at 15:11

Hello, wonderful Open Heart Project. 

Before today’s sit, I share a few thoughts (okay, more than a few) about the vital importance of remaining in control of your attention. Many forces in the world are vying for it, including people you agree and disagree with. 

While it is of utmost importance to pay attention to the suffering and chaos of the world, it is of equal importance to conserve our mental and emotional energies so that we can deploy them effectively for the benefit of others. This is not about staying positive or reducing stress. It’s about holding on to your wisdom and compassion. Please have a listen and let me know what you think.

With love,

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  • Posted by:  Paula Darvas

    Thankyou so much.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      You are so welcome, Paula. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Gopigal

    Susan….this was a wonderful talk… ever….so much wisdom and “right view”. Thank you…it was exactly what I needed to hear. I’ll be listening to your words more than once!

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So happy to practice together! xo S

  • So timely a topic, you have a clear and focused way that leads to the possible during these unsettling times. How blessed are we to have access to this and other topics that set us right on the path. I liked your emphasis on clear view, without that the other paths are fruitless. Thank you

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad this was useful, Birdie! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Jen

    Thank you Susan! Sitting lately has been challenging for me. My monkey mind is on overload. I swing between being angry with life and crying because of so much suffering in our world and in my world. You reminded me today that I should block time out of my schedule in the morning to attend the live meditations at 9am ET that the OHP offers.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Jen, so glad this was useful encouragement to protect your own mind and heart. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Lisa Elizarraras

    So much good here!! My heart thanks you.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      My heart thanks you for thanking me! And mainly just for being you. So happy we are in this together. Love, S

  • Posted by:  Angela

    Thank you so much, Susan, just what I needed to hear.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad to hear this. In it together, Angela! Love, S

  • Posted by:  VALERIE J RAINS

    Thanks for this. It was just what I needed to hear today.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Glad it was helpful, Valerie. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Diana Plummer

    Thank you Susan for your clear encouragement through this talk.
    As we attempt to take more responsibility in our own sphere,we can inspire others to do likewise and create a different strength to counteract(or at least not be drawn into)chaos.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      That’s exactly how I see it too. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Judith King

    Very important teaching Susan,
    Thank you

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad it was useful, Judith. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Sue Ellen May

    Ahhh, the basics – always refreshing and focusing, returning to the solid base. I suspect that the fear mongers and agitators would very much like to penetrate our boundaries, since we waver and become uncertain, losing focus on what is important. Keeping our container space is vital. Thank you for the reminder.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      YES!! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Judith

    These monday meditations are becoming a real benefit to me. Today’s talk is probably the most beneficial of all. I am unfortunately unable to join the OHP due to financial constraints, but at least I have some words of wisdom each week to look forward to. Each week has been an ‘AHA’ time for me. Thank you so much

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I’m so happy we can practice together, Judith. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Lisa King

    Susan! Thank you. I have listened to this three times and each time I am more encouraged and grateful. I can feel your palpable sadness and determination; the analogy to the jealous god realm is frighteningly apt.
    Your words are a blessing in this frustrating, often lonely time.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      Lisa, I’m delighted to read this. You are not alone. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Emily Herrick

    Thank you so much, Susan. This is just what I needed to hear today. It felt especially challenging today not to succumb to despair about what’s happening, and listening to this truly made a difference for me.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad it was of use, Emily. We’re in this together. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Mike McCabe

    So true. Being mindful of who you are PAYING your attention to. With that as a currency, it’s especially important to “shop locally.” Thank you, Susan!

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      “Shop locally.” YES!! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Pam Nicholls

    Thank you, Susan. Your words are a balm to broken hearts, and an inspiration. I’m grateful to have somehow found my way to your teachings and presence. Bowing to you and all of us.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So happy to practice together, Pam. With love, Susan

  • Posted by:  Judy Hirsh

    Thank you Susan. I needed to hear this. The competition for our attention is fierce. So important to remember we decide who & what we give our attention to. Creating sacred space, ritual , sitting & practicing kindness & compassion in our individual worlds keeps us sane & echoes outwards. You help us remember….and come home 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻. Judy

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      exactly this. exactly. thank you, my friend. sending love, s

  • Posted by:  Ginny Guenette

    Thank you so much for this!

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      You are so welcome, Ginny. ❤️ s

  • Posted by:  farid ehyaii

    Thank you so much Susan. It is very informative.we need boundary. I myself am addicted to the news, waiting for something ‘good’ to happen so we can live forever in well-being and peace. As you mentioned, we can only train our mind through meditation.

  • Posted by:  amg

    Thank you.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      You are so welcome! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Carol Mitchell

    On Feb 24, when you released this teaching, I was distracted by all the emails in my inbox demanding my attention. It is so fortunate that I set a reminder to read this today, because what you taught me is so relevant. I am currently working on setting healthy boundaries, taking action to empower myself and setting the intention every day to have one priority that I will pay attention to. I am with you on not allowing the chaos to rob me of attention to what I can do in my small sphere of control to make positive changes. Consistent meditation has trained my mind to be able to pay attention, and to come back to the breath, or whatever else the current focus is, when I realize I have gone off. In the past, I wanted to meditate when I “expected” the optimal time of day was. Now I want the experience of daily meditating with my sangha, so I have set an intention to show up as often as possible at 9am. I am so grateful for you, Susan.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I am equally as grateful for you, Carol. This message conveys your thoughtfulness, genuineness, and bravery. With love, S

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