The Four Immeasurables: Sympathetic Joy
July 17, 2023 | 4 CommentsAudio-only version is here.
Meditation practice begins at 9:28
Dear Open Heart Project,
Hello, my friends. I hope you are staying strong and feeling well.
This week, we review the third of the four immeasurable qualities: sympathetic joy. We’ve already spoken about the first two: Loving kindness and Compassion. Next week, we’ll look at the fourth, equanimity. I know we could all use some of that. <3
Who or what brings you joy?
Love, Susan
categorized in: open heart project
Best wishes to you!
I am just back from a 9-day retreat focused on rejoicing in friends. That was very joyful!
Thanks for the clarification of “sympathetic” joy. That is, sincerely sharing others’ joy which can be tricky sometimes, and a reminder to observe our own thoughts and feelings.
Beautiful, thank you. The lesson about sympathetic joy was very helpful. I noticed I am looking almost exclusively through my right eye. When I closed my right eye, I was able to give my left eye a chance to be more active. Do you have any advice for that?
Such a timely talk! I’ve become aware of my “scarcity” mentality, my “feeling like a victim”, my jealousy of others good fortunes. And, by the way, I have so many good fortunes but with those thoughts mentioned, they’ve become such a barrier to feeling Sympathetic Joy. Thank you, thank you for your teaching and for the practices to deepen my capacity to feel Sympathetic Joy. I’m very excited to start on that journey.