The Doubt Demon

August 25, 2010   |   8 Comments


Two days ago, out of the blue, someone who I really respect (but had never met) called to say he thought my work was awesome, that I was a “rock star,” and basically he just really appreciated my work.

Amazing. Ridiculously cool. So affirming.

My response?

He must be psycho. That didn’t just happen.

Then I burst into tears and took a nap.

Self-doubt is vicious. It amplifies when I get closer to what I long for—in this case, simply to be seen, and not just for anything, but for that which I hold most dear: my creative work. Why?!

Well, I have no idea. But when I slowed down (more easily accomplished after crying and napping), I saw that rather than being in the realm of the impossible, my self-doubt was actually a sign that I had entered the realm of the possible. In this moment, things are unfolding. No more thought. Time to just swim. Although it’s scary in one sense, in another, it is actually something cool.

So from now on, as my self-doubt ramps up, I’m going to reclassify it from “perhaps I suck” to “perhaps I’m experiencing a moment of fruition.” You try it, too. Please report back and know that I’ll be thinking of you and hoping that you can meet your longing head-on, hold your self-doubt as a sign of self-cherishing, and, most especially, when you see others in the grip of that particular fear, that your heart will open without any thought at all.

Looked at this way, you could actually enter into your own longing and find it to be a place of joy rather than one of grasping, a source of vitality rather than, well, a reason to nap.

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  • Posted by:  Sonia Connolly

    How wonderful that you received the affirmation!

    I also recently received affirmation and privately burst into tears afterward. I interpreted it both as entering the realm of the possible, as you beautifully put it, and also as touching the pain of past longing and lack. It was an intense moment.

    May we all experience many moments of fruition!

  • Posted by:  Jennifer Louden

    “hoping that you can meet your longing head-on, hold your self-doubt as a sign of self-cherishing..” love that! I was / am beset by doubt today so happy to read this… realm of the possible, so much better.

  • Posted by:  Marianne

    Yes, yes! I realise that when my doubt demon shows up these days it is because the revelation of my deepest creative dreams are moving from the realm of the impossible to the possible and that gets my fear juices flowing. When I recognise it for what it is, and meet it with love, then it feels like something marvelous, almost unbelievable. I’m afraid of what might happen when my book is published, which means I actually believe it is going to be published!

  • Posted by:  Kim

    I, too, am a writer, artist, yogi and visionary on a growth-filled, heart-opening journey.
    Please allow me to add to your affirmations…
    When my Google reader lets me know you’ve posted, I smile, jump in and read, knowing that something of value has just been delivered.

  • Posted by:  Heather

    This resonates with the line in WOBH that sent all my facial “oh damn, I’m gonna cry” muscles into overdrive: the desire to “be seen and fully embraced,” which kind of makes me want to don a suit of armor just to think about. But it’s good to be reminded that less armor makes it easier to walk. And see. So thank you.

  • Posted by:  Sarah Jackson

    Please note… a chick in New Zealand who is sick to death of South Pacific winter, scared about her upcoming trip to Southeast Asia, and doubting her ability to write anything even kinda ok let alone a book, has read this at least 4 times in her darkest minutes.

    Or so I heard.

    Don’t stop writing things.

    -Action Jackson

  • Posted by:  Susan

    Heather, I totally know that facial “oh damn I’m gonna cry” muscle situation. When it happens, I know I’m in trouble. Got to feel it. So good luck with that examination and don’t worry if you have to walk around in a suit of armor for a bit. Wishing you all good! Susan

  • Posted by:  Susan

    Sarah, Sarah, New Zealand chick. This note came at the exact right time for me. Trust me on that. Thanks.

    What is this with a trip to SE Asia?? You can totally write. A book. There is no question. I know this.

    Love, Susan

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