cyndi lauper
June 6, 2007 | 1 Comment
i forgot. this is what music is supposed to sound like. listen to cyndi lauper offering tribute to joni mitchell at some awards thing-y. (mtv?) vocal is relaxed and intensely focused. the singer is listening to the band. the band is listening to the singer. the performer is deeply seated within herself. no one is in a hurry. the context is tribute. the listener can listen without being distracted by tricks, hoopla, or poses. these qualities (relaxed, intense, synchronized, trick-free, created and performed as an offering) are exactly what i love about music. it’s the clearest connection i can get with living, pre-packaged energy. i forget all the time from hearing music on hold, in airport restrooms, and as advertisement. instead of coming to you directly from the sambhogakaya, this time courtesy of cyndi lauper. whom i thank deeply.
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gorgeous…to the heart! thx. phew.