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Viewing Posts in wisdom of a broken heart

Heartbreak Mountain

January 28, 2010   |   2 Comments

A lovely photograph, taken by Konchog Norbu, a monk in Montana. Can you see the broken heart? And how beautifully it’s held by its mountain brothers?

A Stay Better Better

January 14, 2010   |   2 Comments

Video interview from the road with the beautiful Erielle. She discusses her broken heart and what helped her to find a way to stay better.

CBS Early Show Clip

January 5, 2010   |   28 Comments

Here it is. I have no idea if it went well or poorly at this point, but I really liked my outfit. If you’re here looking for more info on The Wisdom of a Broken Heart and how to deal with the extraordinary situation that is heartbreak, please go here. And remember–no matter how awful it feels, something wise and... READ MORE

CBS Early Show & The Wisdom of a Broken Heart

January 4, 2010   |   4 Comments

Scheduled to appear on CBS Early show tomorrow (Jan 5) sometime between 8a & 9a to talk about heartbreak and how to deal with it. I think Maggie Rodriguez is doing the interview. Will try to post link to video. Wish me luck…

Catalog copy for new book–help w subtitle?

October 4, 2008   |   21 Comments

This is how Simon & Schuster will describe my new book in their catalog. It includes the title, subtitle, brief description, and some very nice quotes to give me credibility and make me sound cool. Next step is to submit the manuscript (Oct 15) and then begin revisions based on editor’s comments and vision, which I look forward to very... READ MORE

The Stages of Heartbreak

October 1, 2008   |   3 Comments

My friend Sarah ingeniously outlines them this way. Check out her blog for more such Sarah-ness. Here are the phases as I see it… 1) The Break-up/Emotional Thrombosis/International Freak-out Whatever, that’s like a month to 6 weeks of hell, panic, devastation. All you have to do is survive and lean on your friends and family as much as possible. I... READ MORE

What to do with a broken heart when you just can't take it anymore

September 15, 2008   |   23 Comments

For my new book, “The Wisdom of a Broken Heart,” I’m compiling a list of things you could do when you think you’re about to lose it. Meant for those super acute moments when you basically can’t even remember your own name and you just need someone to give you a task. It’s divided into three categories: Distract it. Indulge... READ MORE

Heartbreak song #1: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

August 29, 2008   |   2 Comments

Jimmy Ruffin [audio:Ruffin.mp3] While writing my book on heartbreak (“The Wisdom of a Broken Heart,” due out in September ’09), I’ve turned again and again to that time honored source of knowledge and solace: music. Here are the lyrics to my current all-time fave. It is just so wrenching and poetic. Grab a kleenex and enjoy. WHAT BECOMES OF THE... READ MORE

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