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Odds of Marriage

November 4, 2010   |   15 Comments

Driving away from Shambhala Mountain Center yesterday, after a writers’ retreat. Thinking about love… 12 minutes, 22 seconds worth… ‘scuse the turn signal sounds… Not my most flattering angle, but nonetheless… driving from susan piver on Vimeo.

The power of joy.

November 1, 2010   |   1 Comment

An open heart conquers all. Please watch. Every day. For the rest of your life.

Talk on the Wisdom of a Broken Heart (long)

October 12, 2010   |   1 Comment

Here is a recording of a talk I gave this past February at the Victoria Shambhala Center. It’s about, well, the wisdom contained in heartbreak. It’s an altered state. Could even be considered an altered state of grace, depending on how you view it. The first 17 minutes are meditation instruction, so if you want to go right to the... READ MORE


October 5, 2010   |   2 Comments

fear.less is an awesome online magazine. I’m on the cover of the current issue! Check them out and get on their mailing list for really inspiring and completely down-to-earth stories on becoming fearless.

Fun podcast interview with Ethan Nichtern

September 29, 2010   |   Leave a reply

Ethan Nichtern, founder of the awesome Interdependence Project, interviewed me for his podcast. Topics: finding the path, relationships and the lack of Buddhist teachings on them, creativity, and more. I loved talking to Ethan. Check out his book. One City. Here is the interview. Enjoy!

Sympathy for the Buddha

September 17, 2010   |   1 Comment

From The Worst Horse A report from the UK’s semi-notorious Sun reports that Jagger is a regular visitor to Laos, where, says one source: “He spent hours with monks in the temples and chanted with them. He practises Buddhism and meditation every day. He says it’s the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning.” This may... READ MORE

The Doubt Demon

August 25, 2010   |   8 Comments

Two days ago, out of the blue, someone who I really respect (but had never met) called to say he thought my work was awesome, that I was a “rock star,” and basically he just really appreciated my work. Amazing. Ridiculously cool. So affirming. My response? He must be psycho. That didn’t just happen. Then I burst into tears and... READ MORE

Writers' Retreats

July 7, 2010   |   4 Comments

Writers’ retreat participants talk about the retreat experience: Have I mentioned how much I love to teach writers’ retreats?! It is like my favorite thing to do. For the following reasons. 1. I get to help people say the stuff they’d like to say. 2. I get to teach meditation. 3. I hear and see writing take shape. 4. I... READ MORE

Authenticity: What is it? What Isn’t it?

July 6, 2010   |   4 Comments

I recently spoke with Ronna Detrick of RENEGADEconversations. Ronna hosts a members-only, online forum for women called A CONVERSATIONAL SPACE. Included in that space are monthly MP3s of Ronna’s conversation with women from all over the world. And this month it’s me. The MP3 of our conversation is usually exclusve to her site-members only, but by clicking here you can... READ MORE

Heartbreak: How to gain closure?

June 17, 2010   |   26 Comments

Among the many difficulties that come with a breakup, the worst may be when the person who broke up with you will not discuss it and may even cut off contact altogether. I have one friend who was talking about marriage one day, and the next, literally, could not get her to take his calls. Eventually, he got a letter... READ MORE

There is a way to write that solidifies story lines–and a way to write that liberates you from them.

June 8, 2010   |   8 Comments

I and Twitter pals Hiro Boga (@hiroboga), Mahala Mazerov (@luminousheart), and Jennifer Louden (@jenlouden) all wrote on the same topic today: The process of writing. For a kaleidoscopic view of this issue (storytelling vs truth telling), check them out. Hiro Boga: Tsunamis in the House of Wholeness Jennifer Louden: How to Be a Writer Who Loves the Gap Mahala Mazerov:... READ MORE

Buddhism and Real Life: How to Be Disciplined

May 25, 2010   |   42 Comments

There are some things I’m good at, if I do say so myself. I know about generosity. I know from patience. I know how to try really, really hard. I’m devoted to the search for wisdom.  However there is one skill that I truly suck at and, without it, all these other good qualities are considerably weaker than they could... READ MORE

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