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The Brilliance of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

April 29, 2010   |   19 Comments

Trungpa Rinpoche cuts right through to the core of our confusion and gives it back to us as wisdom. Thank you, thank you, thank you. “We must be willing to be completely ordinary people, which means accepting ourselves as we are without trying to become greater, purer, more spiritual, more insightful. If we can accept our imperfections as they are,... READ MORE

Buddhism and Relationships: 3 Stages to Heal a Broken Heart

April 28, 2010   |   235 Comments

(handy for working with strong emotions in general) Nothing feels worse than a broken heart, the kind you get when someone you love ends the relationship. Feelings of shame, remorse, grief, rage, and terror can overwhelm even the most stable human being. Heartbreak has the power to reframe a workable life as a disaster. Surprisingly, Buddhism has a tremendous amount... READ MORE

Broken Heart Part 1

April 27, 2010   |   3 Comments

Bindu Wiles, a blogger who brings a fresh, warm, down to earth voice to my favorite subjects: Dharma, Creativity, and Writing, interviewed me for her blog. The interview felt like talking to a sister.

NICE Manifesto

April 26, 2010   |   22 Comments

I had such a wonderful time teaching from The Wisdom of a Broken Heart this past week in D.C., N.Y., Toronto, and Montreal (where the book is called La Sagesse d’un Coeur Brisé which makes it sound so pretty). Over and over, I’m struck by the deep well of tenderness that resides in each of us and how a broken... READ MORE

Pema Chodron on Awakened Heart

April 20, 2010   |   1 Comment

Read this today on Dennis Hunter’s thoughtful, helpful blog, One Human Journey, where he writes about his spiritual journey which includes hearing amazing talks from Ani Pema at Gampo Abbey. Click here to read the rest of the post. A few days ago, Pema Chodron gave a teaching at the Abbey in which she defined the aspiration of bodhicitta in... READ MORE

Happy New Year

January 1, 2010   |   11 Comments

2009 was a year of remarkable discoveries, no? We discovered we could do with less than we thought. We discovered, for the gazillionth time, that money cannot buy happiness. We discovered that the world could look right side up one moment and upside down the next. We discovered new leadership for our country and the world. We (OK, I) discovered... READ MORE

From "Ethics for the New Millenium"

November 19, 2008   |   1 Comment

By His Holiness, the Dalai Lama I love this distinction: I believe there is an important distinction to be made between religion and spirituality. Religion I take to be concerned with belief in the claims to salvation of one faith tradition or another–an aspect of which is acceptance of some form of meta-physical or philosophical reality, including perhaps an idea... READ MORE

Basic Goodness in Iraq

November 3, 2008   |   3 Comments

FROM MY FRIEND ROBERT B, EMBEDDED IN IRAQ, UNABLE FOR SOME REASON TO POST THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY. PLEASE READ. Susan, Here is my report from Baghdad, where I am an embedded aid worker deep inside our military’s headquarters.  I just wanted to share some perspective on how much has changed in the past six weeks. When I arrived here two... READ MORE

Image Poisoning

October 6, 2008   |   7 Comments

These are times of extraordinary polarization. In its final days, our election is deteriorating into vicious slander and purposeful manipulation that aims to convince us, not of the other’s poor policy positions, but of their evilness. Undecided Americans are being baited into believing that Barack Obama is positioning himself to destroy what they hold valuable. As an Obama supporter, I... READ MORE

Quiet Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Meditation, Edited by Me

September 25, 2008   |   4 Comments

QUIET MIND A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation Includes a CD of guided instructions Edited by Susan Piver Hardcover with CD / Shambhala Publications / 128 pages / 5 1/2 x 6 1/4 ISBN 978-1-59030-597-3 / October 2008 List Price: $14.00 Our Price: $11.20, you save $2.80 (20%) Description of Quiet Mind This unique book-and-audio program brings together some of the... READ MORE

Wedding Poem

September 2, 2008   |   Leave a reply

Photo by Ming My beautiful friend Dana got married to the excellent Saxon and she asked me to say something during the ceremony. What could be a greater honor? And what can one possible say to mark something as momentously insanse and fabulous as getting married? Here is the poem I wrote: For you, under an open sky without beginning... READ MORE

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