8 Steps to Stop Suffering: Step 6 is…

July 8, 2024   |   10 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation practice begins at 4:38

Hello, wonderful Open Heart Project. I hope you are well and enjoying this series of videos on foundational Buddhist teachings. So far, we have covered:

Right View
Right Intention
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood

Right View and Right Intention comprise true wisdom. Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood describe how to live an ethical life. Now we turn to Right Effort which, together with Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration explain how to work with our minds.

Right Effort is not about working harder. I’m sure you’re already working as hard as you can. Rather, it has more to do with diligence and never giving up on yourself, others, or the world. A tall order, I realize. Please have a listen to this short talk (followed by a guided 10-minute meditation) and let me know what you think! I always love to hear from you.

Much love, Susan

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  • Posted by:  Gwendolyn

    This was so very helpful. We are often pushed to put effort into everything and not being present. Your explanation of effort gave a different view which makes sense to me. Thank you 🙏.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad this was useful, Gwen. <3 S

  • Posted by:  Brenda Santora

    Thank you for these talks, so very helpful and easily understandable. Your talk about Right Effort gave me confidence that I am on the right path even when if I think I am not doing”enough”.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      So glad to hear it, Brenda! <3 S

  • Posted by:  Alicia Wuster

    I appreciate your insights on the 8 Fold Path and thank you for explicitly teaching that we not give up on ourselves, others, or this world– even though that is exactly I/we feel at times. I will also spend some time reflecting on rest instead of retreat to stay connected and energized. Such an important message.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I understand this feeling, for sure. And we definitely need rest in order not to give up. Sending love. S

  • Posted by:  Sue May

    Right effort – where to begin? Really, where to end as well? I have come to recognize my tendency to “fix,” to straighten the crooked, to remedy what I see as a problem. In reality, there may not be a problem, and my well-intentioned behaviors may not be either welcomed or needed. I also realize that it is really expending effort on assuaging my own anxiety about things going off the rails, rather than assisting others. Sure, sometimes the effort does help. Sometimes (not very often, really) another person is grateful for intervention. Now to stop beating myself up and tune into gentle awareness, with the hope of remembering to take a breath and step back to see the anxiety and allow it to dissipate on its own. Maybe right effort is balanced effort.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I know just what you mean–sometimes working really hard is not right effort. Not always easy to tell, that is for sure. xo S

  • Posted by:  Betsy Loeb

    Dear Susan, Your talk seems especially timely as our country takes a big step into the election year. Right effort: not giving up. I’m not sure totally of what this means for me in terms of this election year, but I’m not giving up! Just yesterday I picked up several packets of postcards to eventually send out to remind folks to vote. I think that’s one example. And, I’ve taken in also in my meditation practice, to practice daily. And, in personal relations with my daughters to “be there for them” in whatever way I feel that means. Thank you. Betsy

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      We are all lucky to have you, Betsy. <3 S

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