8 Steps to Stop Suffering: Step 3 is…

June 17, 2024   |   6 Comments

Audio only version is here.
Meditation practice begins at 21:36.

Right speech can change the world.

Hello, wonderful Open Heart Project. I hope you are well and enjoying this series of videos on foundational Buddhist teachings. Right View is here and Right Intention is here in case you want to review.

Today’s talk is about the third step on the noble eightfold path: Right Speech. Spoiler alert: this one can save the world. I’m not even kidding. In this talk, I offer some thoughts on the four things that comprise wrong speech and the six things we can do instead. I’m not going to lie: these are not easy. At first. But because they all depend on introducing a tiny gap between what you think and what you say, with the support of a consistent meditation practice, it gets easier and easier.

Thoughts? Love to hear them.

Much love,


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  • Posted by:  Annie

    Thank you. I love your authenticity, and how you try to speak to each of us personally. ❤️

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I so appreciate hearing this! <3 s

  • Posted by:  Allison Potter

    This seems like the most important but the hardest step.
    Thankful for your teachings.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      agreed on both counts. xo s

  • Posted by:  Sue Ellen May

    I think that I need to replay this talk often. I kept wincing as examples of speech missteps were offered. I was thinking that sometimes speech is like a cartoon dialog bubble that emanates from one person’s mouth. We send out the bubbles often without regard to the state of the receiver, and it seems to me that this can be where the disconnect arises. When I fuss at my GOG (grumpy old guy) husband, it’s about me, it’s not helpful, usually not timely, sometimes unkind, and is all about me, not about him. And nothing is accomplished other than making him feel even more grumpy. Sigh. I’m getting better at taking the breath and recognizing the situation without kvetching. Thank you for this wisdom that cannot be repeated too often.

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      I am right there with you! On all counts. xo S

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