3 Paths to Enlightenment

January 6, 2025   |   3 Comments

Audio only version is here
Meditation practice begins at 06:42

Hello, wonderful Open Heart Project.

Happy new year! May all beings become sane.

Before we sit today, I describe 3 different ways of viewing the spiritual journey to enlightenment, according to the Buddhist view (while recovering from hip replacement surgery, which is why my leg is sticking out). You are on one of these paths, I promise!

Please have a listen and let me know what you think.

With much love,

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  • Posted by:  Brandi

    I love that blessing! “May all beings be SANE” Thankya for that <3 cuz yup, we need to remember what being Sane is even like <3

    • Posted by:  Susan Piver

      <3 S

  • Posted by:  Nanette

    Thank you for the reminder about living a spiritual life, and surrounding ourselves with an environment that supports us.

    You put it so well! Keeping things in our homes , even if it’s just the corner where we meditate, brings a sense of dignity, and we can carry that into the rest of our lives. Start with that corner, then may be a closet, then maybe that one messy kitchen drawer …. I know all too well how easy it is to “save it for another day.” But every small effort makes a difference.

    I’m glad you are on the mend from your surgery. I had surgery no my neck in November, and now all is well. I’m amazed by what surgeons, and all those who support them, are able to do these days. Modern medicine is a miracle in itself.

    I am grateful every day when I think about all that I have lived through.

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