Buddhism IRL (in real life)

I can’t think of a time when Buddhist wisdom has been more necessary. It has so much to teach us about living a life of brilliance, kindness, and courage. No one has to “be a Buddhist” or adopt foreign beliefs to benefit from its extraordinary insights into how to build a meaningful, powerful life.


Free webinar: How to create a meditation & writing practice

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to get to your writing desk? (Or sofa or bed or wherever you like to write and create?) I wish I could tell you exactly why, but I do not know.
However, I do know what helps. Join me for a free webinar on how to ignite your creative practice.

Building a Mindful New Year

FREE PROGRAM: 6 Transcendent Themes / 6 Buddhist Teachers / 6 Meditations to Guide You into 2024

We have so much to share with you

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