The Dharma of Simple

with Andrew Mellen "America's Most Organized Man"


Daily Dharma Gathering

Thubten Chonyi-The Practice of Purification

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Replay - Kate Lila Wheeler - Loving Kindness Meditation

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Joseph Mauricio-Wakeful Revolution: Facing The Change

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Joseph Mauricio-LIfe in the Dead of Winter

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Daniel Scharpenburg-The Four Noble Truths as a Revolutionary Teaching

$ 20.00 a month

Dharma of Diet

A Four Week E-Course with Jenna Hollenstein and Susan Piver

$ 108.00/course

Daily Dharma Gathering

Joseph Mauricio-Working With Our Suffering

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Repeat - Ethan Nichtern- The Buddha Never Taught About 'Ego'

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Joseph Mauricio-The Space Beyond Our Pain

$ 20.00 a month

Wisdom of a Broken Heart

The Dharma of Heartbreak: Calm the Mind, Find Wisdom, and Reclaim Love

$ 108.00/course

Daily Dharma Gathering

Lodro Rinzler-F*ck Peace, Let's Develop Equanimity

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Susan Piver-Stop trying to be so nice. Free your heart and your love will follow.

$ 20.00 a month

Daily Dharma Gathering

Irini Rockwell-Contemplating Freedom From Suffering

$ 20.00 a month

We have so much to share with you

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