Free Month in the Open Heart Project sangha

A Month of Sanity

Use code FREE2025. Membership auto renews at $27 a month after 30 days unless you cancel. We will send you an email reminder a few days before auto renewal.

After 30+ years of Buddhist practice, I’ve come to see that there is only one sure source of energy to keep my head on straight with all the ups and downs, especially during this time of incredible uncertainty and chaos.



The Open Heart Project sangha is a unique online gathering space for people who want to go deeply into wisdom traditions, but without signing up for someone else’s ideas about how their reality should work.

All the courses, workshops, retreats, meditations, gatherings, and publications created by the OHP are offered as a way to circumvent dharma-splaining about what is most intimate and precious—your own heart and mind. Everything we do is designed to compel you to go more deeply into your own wisdom with the support of very traditional Buddhist teachings.

In isolation, my anxieties increase and I feel trapped and confused. When I am with a community of people who long for sanity, decency, richness, fierce kindness, and peace, I feel empowered and strong. Centered. Easeful. Energized.

In Buddhist thought, this way of being together is called sangha (Sanskrit for community).

As our world spins in ever-increasing cycles of speed and difficulty, what can we actually control? Let’s face it: I can’t control public policy. I can’t control the way my neighbors think about the subjects most important to me. I can’t change en masse the minds of people who disagree with me. 

There is only one thing I can control: my attention.

Of course, we must pay attention and fight the good fight, each in our own way and without giving up. BUT there is a difference between observing and understanding the world we live in to be of benefit and having our attention yanked hither and yon by social media, news outlets, newsletters, conspiracy theorists, vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, phony self-help gurus, angry factions of all sorts. 

The more I look around, the more I think that the most radical gesture we can make is to take our attention back.

There is a way to reassert agency over our attention.

It is called the practice of sitting meditation. When we sit, we are not trying to relax or feel all “zen” or to accomplish anything, really. We teach ourselves how to hold attention where we would like to place it and to remove attention from what we’d rather not become absorbed by right now. In addition to providing a safeguard for your sanity, it is also an act of subversion and rebellion.

 The only way I can imagine accomplishing this is to be part of a community that shares my intentions and supports my spiritual practice. This is how we stay strong.

We offer meditation everyday  in real time with a wonderful teacher. We get together on Fridays to talk about our practice. In addition to these regular gatherings, we have an embarrassingly GIGANTIC archive of talks, classes, and workshops. All of this is available to sangha members. Our offerings will help you to rediscover the wisdom of  your heart and mind in a very tumultuous time. I will do everything I can to help!

I would love to see you there and will do everything I can to help!

In isolation, my anxieties increase and I feel trapped and confused. When I am with a community of people who long for sanity, decency, richness, fierce kindness, and peace, I feel empowered and strong. Centered. Easeful. Energized.

In Buddhist thought, this way of being together is called sangha (Sanskrit for community).

The truth is, all beings are our sangha. ALL. But that is a tough notion when we also experience the whole world as “us” and “them.” Okay, no problem. We’re human. We can’t start by forcing ourselves to have lofty views because it is the “right thing to do.” So let’s begin where we are: with friends. With me. With you. And with the 500+ other good people in the Open Heart Project sangha. Together, we practice meditation, talk about the journey, and study together in webinars, workshops, and online retreats. Everyone participates in the way that works best for them and although we are in different parts of the world, we feel connected to each other and to what is important. We help each other to stay strong.

Our offerings will help you to manage your heart and mind in what is sure to be a tumultuous build up to election day, to stay grounded together on November 5, and to ride the joys, sorrows, and who-the-hell-knows-what in the aftermath. 

About Your
Free Month

offerings during your free sangha month (SIGN UP WITH COUPON CODE FREE2025):

>Daily LIVE 9:00 am– 9:45 am ET meditation gathering with a deeply-trained teacher. Includes 20 minutes of meditation practice and 25 minutes for discussion. (I’m leading the meditations on Feb 25, Mar 3, Mar 11 and Mar 25.)

>Daily email with a recorded 10-minute meditation (if you can’t make the live meditation)

>Weekly sangha gatherings with me on Fridays, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET for open conversation about how you’re doing and how I can help.

>Monthly Meditation Immersion – on the second Sunday of the month at 10 am – 12:00 pm ET with Maho Kawachi.

>Monthly Creative Congregation (11:00 am – 4:00 pm ET on the 3rd Saturday of each month) to meditate and work on creative projects in community.

>March 11, 18, and 25, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm ET: Clear Mind Open Heart, three classes to discuss developing genuine confidence. Taught by me and Michael Carroll.

Note: Our webinars and classes are recorded and a link sent to all sangha members, so don’t worry if you can’t join live.

Use code FREE2025 to claim your free month.

Note: Membership will auto-renew after your free month–but don’t worry about paying for something you don’t want. We will send out two courtesy reminders about how to cancel before auto-renewal.  If you miss these emails, contact us within 10 days and we will refund you. (Cost of sangha membership is $27 per month)

If you have questions, please email me here. I’d love to talk with you.

With love and respect, Susan

About Susan

Susan Piver is the New York Times bestselling author of many books, including The Hard Questions, the award-winning How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own LifeThe Wisdom of a Broken HeartStart Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation, The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships, and The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to WarriorshipHer latest book is Inexplicable Joy: On the Heart Sutra, the first book in her series: Buddhism Beyond Belief.

Susan has an international reputation as a skillful meditation teacher. A student of Buddhism since 1993, Susan graduated from a Buddhist seminary in 2004. In 2012, she founded The Open Heart Project, the world’s largest online-only dharma center.

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