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Monthly Dharma Gathering

August 5, 2015 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

On the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00p.m. EDT, the entire Open Heart Project community gathers together to hear a talk from a special guest teacher, sit meditation together, and share questions, stories, and experiences. Each talk will focus on applying the dharma to real life. This 75-90 minute gathering is free and open to all. Just click  this link at that time. This event is free to everyone!


Bill Scheffel

This month’s guest is speaker, Bill Scheffel who will share his Introduction to the Principle of Drala. Since 2004, Bill Scheffel has been able to devote much of his time to being an artist/traveler; primarily a writer of essays, travel writing, poetry and memoir, but also as a videographer, documentary filmmaker and photographer. Travel has also been a time of practice and retreat: devoting time to meditation and other disciplines, then immersing himself in the daily life around him in countries including Cambodia, Turkey and France.


Between 1993 and 2004 Bill taught his creative writing workshop, Chance, Synchronicity and Mind-writing, in Boulder, Colorado and in many cities throughout the U.S. He has taught meditation since 1977, including for twenty-nine years though Shambhala Training and thirteen years, beginning in 1991, at Naropa University, where Bill also taught classes in poetry and creative non-fiction. During the 1980s, he worked variously as a computer consultant, technical writer and accountant.

Bill grew up in South Lake Tahoe, California, a resort town bordered by gambling casinos and built on the shores of one of the bluest, largest, purest, and deepest bodies of fresh water in the world.

More on Bill and his company Vertical Time Yoga can be found here.


August 5, 2015
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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