Susan Piver’s topic: Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation
Meditation is more than the latest life-hack. It is a path to wisdom, compassion, and confidence. We are all nervous about trying. No one thinks they can do it. But I know you can!
Please join me to learn:
•What meditation is
•What it is not
•The 3 biggest misconceptions
•How to actually meditate (we will practice together)
•How to establish your home practice
•How to guarantee failure
•How to guarantee success: the two overlooked elements that seal your practice and make it sustainable

Susan Piver is a Buddhist teacher and The New York Times best-selling author of lots of books. Her latest is Start Here Now: An Open Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation . She is the founder of the Open Heart Project, the first-ever meditation center that lives 100% in the cloud. There are close to 20000 members all over the world. She also loves cats. DO NOT ASK HER ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM. You will have no chance of escape.