From Ishita: Post #2

March 11, 2011   |   Leave a reply


From Ishita:

morning time for me is sacred. I cherish the hours of 6-9a.m. and it is where I feel most connected to myself and the world. It’s a perfect time for me to practice meditation. So when susan said “somewhere it is always morning.” i just loved that. it was a visual that put me back into my heart.

I do think it is a way to see god, but i’m not sure because sometimes that thought is overwhelming…buddhism makes it more practical. there are two sides to my practice of meditation: the practical side which reminds me of the buddhist practice and the more spiritual/god side like SRF.

From Susan: What is SRF?

i felt overwhelmed one time and came into the present moment which really relieved a lot of intense feelings (left Vegas and felt so lonely on the plane, hard to manage turbulence, sundays usually suck anyway, was having not-so-good thoughts. then i read thich naht hahn, “peace is every breath” and really allowed myself to stay in the present. it made ALL the difference in the world.

last night I realized I feel my best when my body and mind are aligned (I notice this professionally as well where I feel most energized by activities, tasks, and people who are aligned with my own values/thoughts.)

some thoughts i had throughout the process of meditation was:

-aligning breath feels good because it’s a tool you already possess – you don’t need to “get” anything new or acquire something to focus on it. You already have what you need. This thought automatically levels the playing field for me and the task of focusing on my breath feels attainable.

meditation focuses on the placement of attention – i like being able to harness my attention

meditation doesn’t bring me equal parts peace and frustration. It brings me more peace. while I get frustrated often – with my thoughts, with my restlessness, with my inability to focus without projects coming to mind – the overall effect of my meditation is one of great value. it shows me that i’m focusing on myself, on ways of seeing clearly

the practice of meditation is elegant. you are no longer the normal “thinking” person who walks around day to day consumed by thought. you touch your core which is much calmer and more gentle. i liked when susan told me to “sit relaxed like a queen” because i felt like one.

From Susan: You are one. that’s what self-care and prioritizing yourself make you feel.

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